Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

Being specific about what our goals are is absolutely essential to success
as a salesperson.
So often at the beginning of each calendar year many, many p eople
adopt New Year resolutions. Here’s one that I hear quite frequently: be
healthy in the coming year, join a health club. So what we find is health
clubs all over the world are packed in January. By March, and then for
the rest of the year, they’re back to normal. The reason that New Year
resolutions aren’t successfu l, and the reason that so often people’s
goals are not successful, is they’re missing one of the next three items,
or maybe all three. So let me give you the next three pieces of success
when it comes to goals.
The first is that they need to be in writing. The second is a written
plan on how you’re going to achieve those goals. It is absolutely,
without a doubt not sufficient enough to just write your goals down,
but you n eed the written plan on how you’re going to achieve them and
th at writt en plan must be activities focused. For salespeople, it’s all
about activity, activities, activities, activities. Identify the right
activities, perform the right activities, and you will enjoy hitting your
sales goals. Where you get the specific activities is by watching,
interviewing, and d iscovering what the top producers are doing from
an activity standpoint.
About 10 percent of my year I am in front of audienc es of the top
producers who have been awarded with some type of a trip wher e, for
th eir sales excellence, they’re going off to Hawaii, Cabo San Lucas,
or the Caribbean and being recognized and rewarded for delivering
the goods and delivering exceptional r esults.
The frustrating thing about attending those events is that the same
people tend to win, year after year. Obviously those p eople are doing
things differently than the rest of the sales team. If I were a salesperson
who wasn’t one of these t op producers, I would want to know what
th ose a ctivities were.
Once the activities are identified and set, and once goals are
established, what is necessary then is to not only work on them
annually , but th ey should be broken down by month and then by week.
There should be a weekly list of activities that should be done. For

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