other s. Titled, “How to Make Money by Magic,” the course was sold
via mail order. Eventually, the largest info-publisher in the UK picked
up the rights to distribute it.
Andr ew went on to become Paul Daniels’ personal manager, which
led to an unexpected and fascinating marketing education. Andrew
explains, “ Litt le did I know that Paul was such a genius. He has one of
the highest IQ’s of anyone I’ve ever met. I learned more about real-
world marketing from him than from any books or courses I ’d r ead up
to that point. Together, we devised some amazingly powerful,
sometimes wild and crazy marketing campaigns for Paul’s business that
I’m very proud of.”
Andrew Lock
63E 11400S, #2 72
Sandy, UT 840 70
801-649-32 65 (M – F 9 AM to 5 PM
[email protected]