Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mark Victor Hansen

th ey all perform in their band. If they came to Knoxville, TN., you’d
probably pay $100 for you and your wife to go see them.

Oh yeah.

And I would too. They raise $1,000,000 a year to end illiteracy. The
naysayers say, “Well, you want to end illiteracy so that more people will
buy your books.” No, these guys are fed. The deal is you get your future
days paid for so that y ou can really leave a legacy that serves everyone. I
believe that most baby boom ers are saying, “How do we get everyone
ed ucated? How do we get h ealthcare for everyone? How do we really
take care of our fellow human beings?” That i s th e high level of succes s.
That is the high benchmar k; it seems to me, on a go-forward basis.

You know, because of the phenomenal success of the Chicken
So up for the Soul series, m any p eople think you’re an overnight success.

I am.

Well, I know you’ve been teaching, training and helping people for
over 26 years. How d id you get started, and what is the focus of your

Well the focus keeps modifying. Today the focus is on leav ing a
legacy of creating 7,000 professional speakers. We have a population on
the planet of about 7 billion right now. What I want to create is 7,000
sp eakers because I believe leaders are born at seminars. Have you ever
been at somebody’s seminar that just caught you on fire inside and

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