Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mark Victor Hansen

Don’t you wish you were the judge who was going to get dusted and
say, “I want that book given to every prisoner.” It’s not because it’s
Mark and Jack, it ’s because we found a zone that no one’s ever touched
before. I’m saying that everybody has a book in them. Everybody has a
story. What our books do, and I may be over answering your question,
but it goes along the zone of what your book’s doing, and that i s you’ve
got to read somebody else’s story to sharpen yours. Dreams sharpen
dreams, stories sharpen stories, and we’re in the first time in history
where the game is changing so fast that you’ve got to keep reinventing
yourself. Isn’t that what you’ve had to do lately?


You didn’t have to reinvent the business once and blow it to $40
million. You invented the business once and then you keep reinventing
and reinventing.

You know, a few weeks ago my family and I were kicking back
in Florida watch ing the ocean. I was channel surfing and caught you on
a relig ious television program. It was a large audience and you were
teaching principles of faith. How important has your faith been to your
business, as well as your personal lif e? Do you think faith and success
are connected in any way?

One of my favorite lines in the Bible is Hebrews: 1 1. What it says is
faith is substance. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and
certain of what we do not see.” You saw that $ 40 million before it
came to pass, correct?

Ri ght.

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