Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success

Focus on transforming the culture to one that supports exceptional
customer service, empowerment, and training of employees. Focus on
quality and exceptional leadership throughout the organization.
Companies desiring world-class status must have employees at a ll levels
in agreement through word and action that they are willing to do what it
takes to become the best of the best. What is required of all is a mind- set
change. The status quo is out and innovation, qualit y, process,
sp eed, continuous improvement, measurement, benchmarking,
customer excellenc e, and empowered employees become the rule and
not the exception.
What are some of the biggest obstacles to companies becoming
Some of the biggest obstacles to companies becoming world-class are:

  • A company culture that resists change and innovation,

  • Failure to listen to customers and l earn what their
    expectations ar e, and

  • Lack of focus on quality and greatness.

So what is the role of culture in building a world-class organization?

The most difficult ch allenge is changing the culture, something that
evolves over a period of time. Culture can be difficult to change and c an
prove to be very frustrating to leaders and managers who want to move
swiftly to building a world-class organization. You can feel the culture
of an organization the moment you walk in the door. The culture is the
way people a ct, think, feel. It is the way people are valued or not valued,

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