Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success

I would li ke to share three brief stories, all with one common theme
th at I hope the reader will understand, as this is how I measure success
in my world.
My dearest friend, Marilyn Avient wrote a book, Free at Last, about
her amazing journey in and out of depression. She then created and
performed a one-woman play called Dirty L aundry based on her book
and h er powerful journey. Every time she went on stage she told h er
story of overcoming severe depression. Her struggle to survive had the
audience in tears and on their feet. She is one of my heroes and she is
one of the wisest people I know. She is not a victim of any part of her
lif e. This is true success!
My husband, Ron, was born with a physical handicap and he lives in
constant pain, day in and day out. I have never, ever, heard him
complain. He is loving, caring, intelligent, and kind to everyone he
meets and I do not know a single soul in almost thirty-five years of our
marriage who does n ot admire, like, and loves him. This gentle loving
man is a gift to all of us; this is success on a powerful level.
I do not have the space to write about the hundred other challenges
I have faced in my life but I do know that whatever I went through, I
planned it all. I am a f ar better human being because of it. Every
morning when my feet hit the floor I say aloud, “God, whose life will I
to uch today?” To me, the greatest success in my l ife is that I can’t wait
each ni ght to te ll God who they were!
Follow your heart and intuitions. Enjoy your journey. Allow your life
to be all that it was meant to be.

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