Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success

My definition of success is measured by how much we learn and
how many people we help as we take our journey in life to reach our
The first part of the journey is learning how to set personal and
attainable goals on an ongoing basis and throughout our lifetime, so we
have a road map.
The second part is to continually t ake steps forward to reach those
goals but always keep an open mind, knowing that there will be times
where we might hit a detour, need to take a few steps backward, or
realize we need to change course toward a different destination.
The third part of our journey is to look at every experience that we
go through as a learning opportunity and to build upon each life lesson
as we continue along our journey.
Finally, I believe in the attitude of gratitude and paying it forward.
It’s important to surround ourselves with a community of people
we meet along our journey to cultivate a strong base of colleagues and
acquaintances to appreciate. Also, nurture ongoing relationships with
friends and neighbors, and take care of and depend upon family
members and loved ones. We can feel truly blessed in our success in life
knowing that we can turn to others in times of need and be present to
help others in their times of need as well. I have seen the power of
social media play a significant role in helping us to enhance our
relationships and connect with people w e would never have had the
opportunity to meet otherwise.
In your opinion, what are the ways to achieve personal success?
The first thing we can do to achieve personal success is to call upon
our power of visualization. It is so important to be able to “see” in our
mind exactly what we want—what our goals are. F or some people, this
doesn’t come easily or naturally.
To help us develop the ability to visualize, we need to do some deep
down soul searching and spend some quiet time reflecting on what we
feel is important. Try to put blinders on things that are coming at us

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