Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Eva Abreu

th em back to Earth safely. What you did, or failed to do, could adversely
affect another life.
Fr om my father’s example, I learned about dedication, teamwork,
te chnology, and humility. I learned that it didn’t matt er how large or
small a part was, whether it was a mechanical part or the part played by a
member of the team. Every single component was important and
every single person was important.
When I decided to write about my father’s experience, I put out the
word to my social media contacts and received an overwhelming
number of replies from around the world with individual stories and
personal memories about Apollo 11. And that ’s how the idea for my
book, Reaching for the Moon and the Star s: The Le gacy and Influence
of the Apollo G eneration, came to be.
There are many other role models thro ughout my career who have
graciously shared their time, talent, and knowledge by offering to be a
mentor. Also, I’ve spent countless hours reading, listening to, and
learning from speakers such as Denis Waitley, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Jack
Canfi eld, Mark Victor Hansen, L es Brown, and many others who have
openly shared their wisdom and advice with the world.
Seek out role models. Take the initiative to become a self-taught
learner by reading as many motivational books as you can, listen to
audio recordings, watch videos, participate in webinars and
te leconferences, and attend live presentations given by experts,
inspirational speakers, and coaches. Look for alternative learning
opportuniti es such as volunteering your time with an organization or
offering to be an apprentice for a small business owner or
It is also vitally important to listen and learn from a diverse cross-
section of people fr om different backgrounds, cultures, age groups, and
experiences. You may not always a gree with their opinions, but if you
can look beyond the emotional aspects of a particular topic, you can
gain a truly rich and rewarding life experience and l earning opportunity
not found in any textbook or classroom.
You’ll never know where you’ll get your next spark of inspiration or
who might become a role model for you. Keep an open mind and pass

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