Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^) Rachel Foster
I went through a period of deep personal reflection and some
significant emotional turmoil that forced me to take a look at some of
my own personal demons. Emerging from that put me on the road to
becoming a coach, first as a Life Purpose and Career Coach, thro ugh the
Life Purpose Institute, California, in 2004. This helped me work with
cl ients in a particular way for a few y ears.
Then, after a while, I wanted to take the work into the corporate
world and w ork with executives and business owners who may have
experienced some of the issues I have faced in the corporate sector. I
felt I could be of service in that sector, so I trained as a Certified
Executive Coach at Royal Roads University, Victor ia, British
Columbia, in 2009.
My consulting work has gone through various iterations since I
finished my graduate work in 1998, and now believe I have found my
ni che working with corporate and business leaders and their teams, in
all walks of life in the private and the not-for-profit sector. While I have
helped many individual clients in the arena of focus, direction,
communication, and career challenges, the bulk of my work is with
leaders and their teams helping them to be more successful in terms of
productivity, effectiv eness, and communication. I am committed to
helping them co-create healthy, respectful, and successful workplaces.
You mentioned personal mastery. Will you tell me a little bit more
about what th at means?
Personal mastery for me speaks t o how we learn to master ourselves
in terms of knowing who we are so that we can show up in the world
authentically with no masks. I like to say it’s about who we be versus
who we are, so I like to talk about who we be an d that’s our essence. It’s
about looking at ourselves fr om the inside out, taking a long hard look,
and it is a tough look, at h ow and who we be, being honest. It’s about
recognizing our patterns and facing our fears because we all have them!
As we do the work, we get clear. That’s been my experience as I
have done this work—I’ve become clear about my values, my goals, and

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