Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1


In today’s competitive business world,
success has become an art and those who
master it are considered “lucky.” I believe,
however, that luck might not have as much to
do with becoming successful as good old
fashioned hard work and being willing to learn
and grow.

I have interviewed many people and it
seems that each one defines success differently. Success for one woman
might mean a good marriage, happy children, and a good job she
enjoys. Success for the man next door might mean a challenging job
that keeps him on the run and provides enough money to enjoy life’s
luxuries. Some people do not define success in terms of material gain.
For these people, success means learning new things, growing
spiritually and intellectually, and other altruistic ideals that are internal
ra ther than external.

We’ve searched for successful people and asked them how they have
mastered success as they define it. The people I talked with gave me
intriguing insights into what s uccess is f or them and advice about how
others can follow in their steps.

I believe you will find that this book, Mastering the Art of Success, is
a valuable addition to your continuing education library. You will
learn from it, and it just may change your life. So take a little time
for yourself. Kick back, r ead this book, and start a new chapter in your
lif e. I think you’ll be glad y ou did!

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