Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success

corporation wasn’t for me. It is hard t o instigate change i n a big
company, and I am an instigator and entrepreneur at heart.
So I started my own business eleven years ago and I realized very
quickly that I had found my passion. Working each day with other
people who are forward thinking, who are get it done kinds of people
lights me up like a Christmas tree. I can’t wait to get to work each day
and I often think about my clients and how else I can h elp them even
when it isn’t “wor k” time.
Once that passion was sparked, success came quite quickly and
easily. I discovered that I can speak to audiences and write books and
create programs that can change thousands of people’s lives. I work
with people who are focused on success and living full and meaningful
lives and that inspires me each and every day. That passion fuels my
days and nights.
When you can find the things that y ou are passionate about, you’ll
soon discover that each day feels successful and p urpo se-filled. You’ll
no longer be tired from working but rather energized. Vacations will
ha ppen because you want to see someplace else, not because you need a
break from your work life. Finding your passion will truly change your
view of work and what it means to be successful.

Many people are afraid to chase success because they think if they
want money, people will think they are greedy. Is that true?

For almost everyone, part of being successful is having enough
money to do what they please. Money is a great way to buy freedom.
Whether it is freedom to go where they want, when they want, or
freedom to make unlimited choices, there is often no easier way to get
it than through having money and building wealth.
One of the biggest obstacles to success is f eeling unworthy of great
wealth. Many times when I’m beginning my work with clients they will
as k, “Who am I to be worth so muc h wealth? Isn’t it bad to want so
much money?”

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