Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

leader looks good. It’s so they can shine. People work for you are pretty high in the organization, and
we’re all seasoned career people. And ... but part of it is, it goes back to the deaf employees. What
makes them feel truly valued and appreciated? Sometimes you just goof up, you know. You don’t
even try, you don’t even know. I had one day ... I was driving in and the Commissioner – I was on a
late schedule, he was on an early schedule. there’d be stuff waiting there and I’d call on the car And so
phone. My deputy was always there really early, so she’d be stuck getting these early missiles. She’d
ask “what do I do with this? He wants the answer right away.” I said “say this.” So she writes back to
him like your rewrite.” It’s what he wrote. On paper it – he took the document and writes back “I don’t
probably didn’t sound as harsh to him; he was just typing it. But it came – I DON’T LIKE YOUR
REWRITE. In fact, “I don’t like YOUR rWhich was bad for her on several levels: one, she ewrite.”
wrote what I said so she got blamed for my bad idea (slight laugh). Two, he thought it was her idea
(laugh). And three, she feels like crap. Well, that’s not good for emotional intelligence, let me tell you,
that’s emotional unintelligence. But at least took me a long time to rehabilitate that one little – it
incident. People remember being hurt. They really remember being hurt. Just like the guy with the Don
Quixote, he remembered niceness respond to niceness but they also remember hurt. and people do
Probably more than they should. Email is the worst, because you don’t get the intonation necessarily.
My wife had an incidence once from her supervisor Friday afternoon – she got an email – she cried all
weekend. I don’t think he even knew he sent it. So people don’t necessarily connect. I’m sure the
Commissioner didn’t know to feel bad. But you

(^) People shine
ValuedAppreciated (^)
(^) Unintentional
Lack of EIEmotion: hurt (^)
(^) Niceness
(^) Email can
promote poor EI
Lack of
“what makes them feel truly valued and appreciated?”
“well, that’s not good for intelligence ... that’s emotional emotional
(^) “people remember being hurt”
(^) “people do respond to niceness”
(^) “email is the worst, because you don’t
get the intonation necessarily”

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