Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

“EI refers to the capacity for
recognizing our own feelings and
those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing
emotions well in ourselves and in
our relationships” (Goleman, 1998,
p. 317)

 Interdependent
 Hierarchical
 Necessary, but not sufficient
 Generic

 Conscientiousness
 Adaptability
 Innovation

o Motivation Achievement drive (^)
 Commitment
 Initiative
 Optimism
 Social competenceo Empathy
 Understanding others
 Developing others
 Service orientation
 Leveraging diversityPolitical awareness
o Social skills
 Influence
 Communication
 Conflict managementLeadership
 Change catalyst
 Building bonds
 Collaboration and
 cooperationTeam capabilities^
Goleman (2011)
The Competency Framework
 (^) oSelf - Emotional selfawareness (^) - awareness
 Self-management
o Emotional self-control
oo AdaptabilityAchievement (^)

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