How the World Works

(Ann) #1

capitalism. See also corporations; welfare states
Adam Smith as anticapitalist
“alliance capitalism,”
catastrophe in Africa
de Tocqueville’s condemnation of “manufacturing aristocracy,”
future of
impossibility of
Jefferson as anticapitalist
people’s dislike of the system
prisons and
risk-free investment under
in US
US foreign policy supporting
welfare capitalism
Capitalism and Freedom
capital punishment
Care (US and Australian)
Carey, Alex
Carnegie, Andrew
Carothers, Thomas
Carter administration
Carter, Jimmy
cassette revolution
Castro, Fidel
Catholic Church. See also Jesuits
belief in doctrine of
in Central and Latin America
Latin American bishops’ conferences
Ceausescu, Nicolae
Center for Constitutional Rights
Center for Defense Information
“center, the vital,”
Central America. See also El Salvador; Guatemala; Nicaragua;
Panama; specific countries
Catholic Church in
death count in
democratic institutions

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