How the World Works

(Ann) #1

US subversion of elections in
La Prensa outcry
Latin America. See also Central America; Third World; specific
bishops’ views on NAFTA
Catholic Church in
“disposable people” in
Eastern Europe compared to
foreign debt and
genocide in
Good Neighbor policy in
Jesuits in
military mission of “internal security” in
poverty in
US chemicals for drug production in
US interest in raw materials of
US policy toward
US stance of right over
Lauter, Paul
Lavalas (the flood)
“leaks,” as fabrications
Hezbollah in
Israel invasion of
massacre in
Palestinian deportees in
“security zone,”
left, the US
lack of focus in
“narcissism of small differences” in
postmodernism and
term disliked by Chomsky
lending institutions
children’s deaths due to
Lenin, V. I.

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