How the World Works

(Ann) #1

Interview questions and recordings: David Barsamian

Transcripts: David Barsamian, Sandy Adler

Compilation, reorganization, editing, copy-editing, inside
design and layout, section heads, subheads, cover layout and
copy: Arthur Naiman

Inital editing: Sandy Niemann

Copy-editing and proofreading: Julie Pinkerton, Susan
McCallister, Suzanna Garland, Karen Bodding, Caitlin
Far, John Kadyk, Sandy Niemann, Kimberly Ehart,
Christine Carswell, Derek Stordahl

Index: Ty Koontz Cover photo: Duncan Rawlinson

Book titles: Noam Chomsky, Charlie Winton, Susan
McCallister, Arthur Naiman

Logistical support: Susan McCallister, Karen Bodding

Production coordinators: Julie Pinkerton, Caitlin Far

Moral support and emotional triage: Linda Spangler

Series editor: Arthur Naiman


Bookman—main text, subheads
Optima—questions and misc. notes (like this one)
LIBERTY—headers, section heads, tables of contents
LITHOS BLACK—cover, title pages, etc.
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