6 The consumer-based approach
with a commentary by Professor Kevin Lane Keller, Tuck School of Business,
Dartmouth College
Learning objectives
The purpose of this chapter is to:
Understand the assumptions of the consumer-based approach
- The brand is a cognitive construal in the mind of the consumer
- The brand resides in the mind of the consumer, but the marketer is still
able to control brand value creation
Understand the theoretical building blocks and how they are connected - The cognitive consumer perspective
- The information-processing theory of consumer choice
- Customer-based brand equity
Provide insights into the variety of methods used to inquire into the
cognitive aspects of the consumer
- Input–output methods to understand how consumer decisions change if
stimuli are changed - Process-tracing methods to understand the process of brand choice
- Measuring customer-based brand equity
Understand the managerial implications
- The ‘dualist’ nature of the approach
- Superior outside–in capabilities
- The marketer should stress brand congruency and consistency