that identity cannot be communicated linearly but is the result of negotiation
between internal and external shareholders.
Theoretical building blocks of the identity approach
The key constructs of the identity approach have changed and broadened along
with the shift in focus from product to corporate branding. The ever-continuous
evolution of the conceptualization of brand identity has led to a considerable
volume of concepts and frameworks of a multidisciplinary nature. Concepts are
often used interchangeably and it can be difficult to gain a clear overview of the
key constructs, how they relate to each other and, how they can be combined in
managerial frameworks.
The core theme of the identity approach is brand identity. Brand identity is
made up of four components: organizational identity, corporate identity, image
and reputation. The four supporting themes can be divided into two main cate-
gories: the internal and the external elements of brand identity. Corporate identity
and organizational identity are supporting themes representing theories used for
the creation and maintenance and research of brand identity internally. The two
supporting themes, image and reputation, represent theories used to build, manage
and research brand identity externally.
Having explained the nature of the four supporting themes and the core
theme, we will turn to two frameworks focusing on the alignment of the four
supporting themes in a way that strengthens the core theme of brand identity.
The corporate brand tool kitand the AC2ID frameworktake the understanding
Methods and data
Managerial implications
Figure 5.2Assumptions of the identity approach
The identity approach 55