Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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98 Part 1: Principles/Food Analysis

biomaterials in the intercellular fluid play a buffering role in
keeping the pH constant. The body fluids are very complicated
buffer solutions, because each conjugate pair in the solution has
an equilibrium of its own. These equilibria plus the equilibrium
due to the self-ionization of water stabilize the pH of the solution.
Buffer solutions abound in nature: milk, juice, soft drinks, soup,
fluid contained in food, and water in the ocean, for example.

Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Effects

Thehydrophilic effectrefers to the hydrogen bonding, polar-
ionic and polar–polar interactions with water molecules, which
lower the energy of the system and make ionic and polar sub-
stances soluble. The lack of strong interactions between water
molecules and lipophilic molecules or the nonpolar portions of
amphiphilic molecules is called thehydrophobic effect,aterm
coined by Charles Tanford (1980).
When mixed with water, ionic and polar molecules dis-
solve and disperse in the solution, whereas the nonpolar or hy-
drophobic molecules huddle together, forming groups. At the
proper temperature, groups of small and nonpolar molecules
surrounded by water cages form stable phases calledhydrates
orclathrates. For example, the clathrate of methane forms sta-
ble crystals at temperatures below 300 K (Sloan 1998). The
hydrophobic effect causes the formation of micelles and the
folding of proteins in enzymes so that the hydrophobic parts
of the long chain huddle together on the inside, exposing the
hydrophilic parts to the outside to interact with water.
Hydrophilic and hydrophobic effects together stabilize three-
dimensional structures of large molecules such as enzymes, pro-
teins, and lipids. Hydrophobic portions of these molecules stay
together, forming pockets in globular proteins. These biopoly-
mers minimize their hydrophobic surface to reduce their inter-
actions with water molecules. Biological membranes often have
proteins bonded to them, and the hydrophilic portions extend to
the intra- and intercellular aqueous solutions. These membrane-
bound proteins often transport specific nutrients in and out of
cells. For example, water, amino acid, and potassium-sodium
ion transporting channels are membrane-bound proteins (Gar-
rett and Grisham 2002).
Hydrophilic and hydrophobic effects, together with the ionic
interaction, cause long-chain proteins calledenzymesto fold
in specific conformations (three-dimensional structures) that
catalyze specific reactions. The pH of the medium affects the
charges of the proteins. Therefore, the pH may alter enzyme
conformations and affect their functions. At a specific pH, some
enzymes consist of several subunits that aggregate into one com-
plex structure in order to minimize the hydrophobic surface in
contact with water. Thus, the chemistry of water is intimately
mingled with the chemistry of life.
During food processing, proteins are denatured by heat,
acid, base, and salt. These treatments alter the conformation
of the proteins and enzymes. Denatured proteins lose their life-
maintaining functionality. Molecules containing hydrophilic and
hydrophobic parts are emulsifiers that are widely used in the food

Hydrophilic and hydrophobic effects cause nonpolar portions
of phospholipids, proteins, and cholesterol to assemble into mi-
celles and bilayers, or biological membranes (Sloan 1998). The
membrane conformations are stable due to their low energy, and
they enclose compartments with components to perform biolog-
ical functions. Proteins and enzymes attached to the membranes
communicate and transport nutrients and wastes for cells, keep-
ing them alive and growing.

Hard Waters and Their Treatments

Waters containing dissolved CO 2 (same as H 2 CO 3 ) are acidic
due to the equilibria

H+(aq)+HCO− 3 (aq)↔H 2 CO 3 (aq)H 2 O+CO 2 (g)

HCO− 3 (aq)↔H+(aq)+CO^23 −(aq).
Acidic waters dissolve CaCO 3 and MgCO 3 , and waters con-
taining Ca^2 +,Mg^2 +,HCO 3 −,andCO 32 −aretemporary hard
waters,as the hardness is removable by boiling, which reduces
the solubility of CO 2. When CO 2 is driven off, the solution
becomes less acidic due to the above equilibria. Furthermore,
reducing the acidity increases the concentration of CO 32 −,and
solids CaCO 3 and MgCO 3 precipitate:
Ca^2 +(aq)+CO^23 −(aq)↔CaCO 3 (s)

Mg^2 +(aq)+CO^23 −(aq)↔MgCO 3 (s).
Water containing less than 50 mg/L of these substances is consid-
ered soft; 50–150 mg/L moderately hard; 150–300 mg/L hard;
and more than 300 mg/L very hard.
For water softening by thelime treatment, the amount of
dissolved Ca^2 +and Mg^2 +is determined first; then an equal
number of moles of lime, Ca(OH) 2 ,isaddedtoremovethem,
by these reactions:
Mg^2 ++Ca(OH) 2 (s)↔Mg(OH) 2 (s)+Ca^2 +

Ca^2 ++2HCO− 3 +Ca(OH) 2 (s)↔2CaCO 3 (s)+2H 2 O.
Permanent hard waterscontain sulfate (SO 42 −), Ca^2 +,and
Mg^2 +ions. Calcium ions in the sulfate solution can be removed
by adding sodium carbonate due to the reaction:
Ca^2 ++Na 2 CO3↔CaCO 3 (s)+2Na+.

Hard waters cause scales or deposits to build up in boilers,
pipes, and faucets—problems for food and other industries. Ion
exchange using resins or zeolites is commonly used to soften
hard waters. The calcium and magnesium ions in the waters are
taken up by the resin or zeolite that releases sodium or hydrogen
ions back to the water. Alternatively, when pressure is applied
to a solution, water molecules, but not ions, diffuse through the
semipermeable membranes. This method, calledreverse osmo-
sis, has been used to soften hard waters and desalinate seawater.
However, water softening replaces desirable calcium and other
ions with sodium ions. Thus, soft waters are not suitable for
drinking. Incidentally, calcium ions strengthen the gluten pro-
teins in dough mixing. Some calcium salts are added to the
dough by bakeries to enhance bread quality.
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