Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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Seafood Enzymes

M. K. Nielsen and H. H. Nielsen

Cold Adaptation of Enzymes
Effects of Pressure on Enzyme Reactions
Osmotic Adaptation of Enzymes
Enzymatic Reactions in the Energy Metabolism of Seafood
Postmortem Generation of ATP
Postmortem Degradation of Nucleotides
Enzymatic Degradation of Trimethylamine-N-Oxide
The Trimethylamine-N-Oxide Reductase Reaction
The Trimethylamine-N-Oxide Aldolase Reaction
Postmortem Proteolysis in Fresh Fish
Proteases in Fish Muscle
Matrix Metalloproteinases
20S Proteasome
Heat-Stable Alkaline Proteinases
Postmortem Hydrolysis of Lipids in Seafood during Frozen
Endogenous Enzymatic Reactions during the Processing of
Salting of Fish
Ripening of Salt-Cured Fish
Production of Fish Sauce and Fish Paste
Production of Surimi
Technological Applications of Enzymes from Seafood
Improved Processing of Roe
Production of Fish Silage
Deskinning and Descaling of Fish
Improved Production of Fish Sauce
Seafood Enzymes Used in Biotechnology
Potential Applications of Seafood Enzymes in the Dairy


“Freshness” serves as a basic parameter of quality to a greater
extent in seafood than in muscle foods of other types. The atten-
tion directed at the freshness of seafood and seafood products
is appropriate since certain changes in seafood occur soon after
capture and slaughter, often leading to an initial loss in prime
quality. Such changes are not necessarily related to microbial
spoilage, but may be due to the activity of endogenous enzymes.
However, not all postmortem endogenous enzyme activities in
seafood lead to a loss in quality; many autolytic changes are
important for obtaining the desired texture and taste.
Despite the biological differences between aquatic and
terrestrial animals, the biochemical reactions of most animals
are identical and are catalyzed by homologous enzymes; only
few reactions are unique for certain species. Few reactions
are catalyzed by analog enzymes that differ in structure and
evolutionary origin. The aquatic habitat can be extreme in var-
ious respects including temperature, hydrostatic pressure, and
osmotic pressure, compared with the environment of terrestrial
animals. These all conditions have thermodynamic implications
and can affect the kinetics and stability of marine enzymes. Also,
because of the large biological diversity of marine animals and
such seasonally determined factors as spawning and the avail-
ability of food, seafood species can differ markedly in enzyme
Seafood is a gastronomic term that in principle includes all
edible aquatic organisms. In this chapter, it is mainly the “clas-
sical” seafood groups—fish, shellfish, and molluscs—that are
dealt with. Muscle enzymes are mostly considered, since muscle
is the organ of which most seafood products primarily consist.
Various other types of seafood enzymes, such as those used in

Food Biochemistry and Food Processing, Second Edition. Edited by Benjamin K. Simpson, Leo M.L. Nollet, Fidel Toldr ́a, Soottawat Benjakul, Gopinadhan Paliyath and Y.H. Hui.
©C2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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