Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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14 Seafood Enzymes: Biochemical Properties and Their Impact on Quality 279

(A) Hydrolysis:
(B) Synthesis:
Reactions under this category can be further separated:
(a) Esterification
(b) Interesterification
(c) Alcoholysis
(d) Acidolysis

Figure 14.8.Lipase reactions.

37 ◦C. The enzyme was stable up to 45◦C for 15 minutes and in
the pH range 5–9.5 after a 1-hour incubation period. A lipase
from the hepatopancreas of red sea bream was purified and char-
acterized by Iijima et al. (1998). The enzyme was extracted by
a combination of anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and
gel filtration. The MW of the lipase was 64 kDa and the enzyme
exhibited the maximal activity at pH 7–9. The lipolytic activity
of the red sea bream enzyme is Ca^2 +independent. Lipase was
purified from tilapia intestine using ion exchange, chromatofo-
cusing, and gel filtration chromatography techniques (Taniguchi
et al. 2001). The temperature optimum was 35◦C and it was sta-
ble below 40◦C. The pH stability fell within the relatively narrow
range of 6.5–8.5 and the highest activity was at pH 7.5, typical
of corresponding mammalian lipases and those from other fish
species. The inclusion of bile salts caused an approximate 9-fold
increase in the enzyme activity. The tilapia lipase’s MW of 46
kDa, pH of 4.9 and efficient hydrolysis of soybean and coconut
oils are characteristics similar to mammalian lipase. A lipase
was partially purified from the viscera of grey mullet by ammo-
nium sulfate fractionation, ultrafiltration, and cholate-Sepharose
affinity chromatography (Aryee et al. 2007). Optimum activity
againstp-nitrophenyl palmitate was displayed at pH 8. The tem-
perature optimum was 50◦C. Grey mullet lipase is completely
stable in several water-immiscible organic solvents, suggesting
that it may have potential applications for synthesis reactions in
organic media.
Recently, Cherif and Gargouri (2009) purified crab di-
gestive lipase from crab hepatopancreas by heat treat-
ment, DEAE–cellulose, ammonium sulfate precipitation, S-200,
Mono-Q, and S-200. The enzyme had a molecular mass of 65
kDa. The maximum activity of crab lipase appeared at pH 8.
Lipase activity was compatible with the presence of organic sol-
vents, except for butanol. Furthermore, the hydrolysis was found
to be specifically dependent on the presence of Ca^2 +to trigger
the hydrolysis of tributyrin emulsion.

Fish Lipase Applications

Lipases have been widely used for biotechnological applica-
tions in detergents, and dairy and textile industries, production
of surfactants and oil processing. Recently, lipases have received
considerable attention with regard to the preparation of enan-
tiomerically pure pharmaceuticals, since they have a number of
unique characteristics: substrate specificity, regiospecificity, and
chiral selectivity (Cherif and Gargouri 2009). Because of their
high affinity for long chain fatty acids, specificity for particu-
lar fatty acids and regiospecificity (Kurtovic et al. 2009), fish
digestive lipases may find applications in the synthesis of struc-
tured lipids. Using lipases, TGs could be enriched with certain
beneficial fatty acids, like eicosapentaenoic acid or docosahex-
aenoic acid at a specific position along the glycerol backbone.
Enzymatic synthesis of modified lipids using lipases could be
economically more attractive than chemical synthesis because
of the lower energy requirements and specificity. In addition,
long-chain PUFAs are highly labile and lipase-catalyzed lipid
modifications could prevent detrimental oxidation andcis-trans
isomerization processes. Lipases have the important physiolog-
ical role of preparing the fatty acids of water-insoluble triacyl-
glycerols (TAG) for absorption into and transport through mem-
branes by converting the TAG to the more polar diacylglycerols,
monoacylglycerols, free-fatty acids, and glycerol (Shahidi and
Kamil 2001). Marine lipases are likely to have advantages over
their microbial or mammalian counterparts because they may
operate more efficiently at lower temperatures. Termination of
enzymatic reactions could be achieved by smaller changes in
temperature as marine lipases often have lower temperature op-
tima and stabilities than lipases from other sources. The lipases
do not require potentially hazardous high or low pH media in
contrast to the requirements of many chemically driven reac-
tions. Fish digestive lipases could also carry out lipid inter-
esterification reactions (e.g., transesterification) with minimal
or no by-products, a problem often encountered in chemical
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