Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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360 Part 3: Meat, Poultry and Seafoods

fish and crustaceans. The accompanying thermal treatment
coagulates the proteins in the muscles for easy handling and
removal of nonedibles as well as for quality inspection in
the later steps. It also inactivates the enzymes that can cause
biochemical deterioration of the raw materials, when exposed
to elevated temperatures and extended storage times. For
example, in manufacturing canned tuna, the fish is precooked
and permitted to cool completely, sometimes overnight, before
the following steps: (1) removal of skin, bones, dark meats,
and viscera and (2) inspection for the presence of defects, for
example, honeycombed and/or burnt tissues.
It should be noted that honeycombed tissues are only de-
tectable in the cooked fish. In the production of canned crabmeat,
the precooked crab is cooled before the extraction of crabmeat.
Without precooking to coagulate the crabmeat, it is almost im-
possible to separate the crabmeat from its shell efficiently. The
precooking also inactivates those enzymes that can degrade the
quality of the product. This is especially important in products
like crab and shrimp, as the deteriorating enzymes can act very
quickly on these tissues at elevated temperatures. However, there
are exceptions where the raw fish is not precooked in order to
preserve the premium quality. This includes the production of
canned salmon, where sections of raw salmon with skin and
bones are stuffed into the can before sealing and processing.
Thermal processing such as mild heating also is applied in the
production of some dried seafood products such as fish, shrimp,
and squid. The heating process inactivates the deteriorating en-
zymes in the raw materials. This stops the enzymatic reactions
from occurring during drying or dehydrating processes that ex-
pose the intermediate products to ambient or elevated temper-
atures for extended periods. For example, in the production of
dried, shaved bonito, the raw bonito is first precooked in brine
before the processes of recovery of loin tissues, drying to co-
agulate the tissues, and shaving of the dried product. Without
this precooking process, the fish tissue will deteriorate during
the long drying process. For dried shrimp, the majority of the
product is produced with the precooking process to inactivate the
deteriorating enzymes before drying or dehydrating. However,
a small amount of dried shrimp is produced without precook-
ing to produce specialty products. For dried squid, it is usually
produced without precooking to develop the unique flavor from
enzymatic reactions during drying or dehydration. However, a
small amount is produced by precooking the product prior to the
drying process.
Thermal processing of seafood such as canning and mild heat
treatment attempts to produce a final product with long shelf life
and favorable consumer acceptance. For more details, refer to
the review by Aubourg (2001).


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