Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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402 Part 3: Meat, Poultry and Seafoods

(2009) used gelatin from the skin of bigeye snapper (Priacan-
thus hamrur) to modify the texture of threadfin bream mince
gel. The addition of fish gelatin (0.1–1%) to fish mince resulted
in higher storage modulus (G′) values from the beginning of
heating regime. A maximum G′value of 443.7 kPa at 68.3◦C
was obtained in the presence of 0.5% gelatin, which was 42%
higher than that of fish mince without the added gelatin.
Fish gelatins with low melting points could also be used in
dry products. One of the major applications of fish gelatin is
in the microencapsulation of vitamins and other pharmaceuti-
cal additives. Soper (1999) described a method for microen-
capsulation of food flavors such as vegetable oil, lemon oil,
garlic flavor, apple flavor, or black pepper with warm-water fish
gelatin (150–300 bloom). Park et al. (2007) patented a process
describing the preparation of a film-forming composition for
hard capsules composed of fish gelatin. Using transglutaminase
for cross-linking circumvented the problems caused by the low
gelling temperature property of fish gelatin.


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