Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

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Application of Proteomics to Fish

Processing and Quality

Holmfr ́ ́ıður Sveinsdottir, Samuel A. M. Martin, and Oddur T. Vilhelmsson ́

Proteomics Methodology
Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis
Basic 2DE Methods Overview
Sample Extraction and Cleanup
First-Dimension Electrophoresis
Second-Dimension Electrophoresis
Some Problems and Their Solutions
Identification by Peptide Mass Fingerprinting
Seafood Proteomics and Their Relevance to Processing and
Early Development and Proteomics of Fish
Changes in the Proteome of Early Cod Larvae in
Response to Environmental Factors
Tracking Quality Changes Using Proteomics
Antemortem Effects on Quality and Processability
Species Authentication
Identification and Characterization of Allergens
Impacts of High Throughput Genomic and Proteomic

Abstract:Proteomics involves the study of proteins, with regards to
proteins, their expression by genomes, their structures and functions.
The entire set of proteins or proteome expressed by a genome display
variations in tissues and organisms, and can be used as the basis for
evaluating the status and changes in the proteins in living organisms
including fish and shellfish. This feature can be useful for developing
standards for fish and other food materials and assessing their quality
and/or safety. This chapter discusses current uses of proteomics for
establishing the attributes of fish and fish products.

Proteomics is most succinctly defined as “the study of the entire
proteome or a subset thereof,” the proteome being the expressed
protein complement of the genome. Unlike the genome, the

proteome varies among tissues, as well as with time in reflec-
tion of the organism’s environment and its adaptation thereto.
Proteomics can, therefore, give a snapshot of the organism’s
state of being and, in principle at least, map the entirety of its
adaptive potential and mechanisms. As with all living matter,
foodstuffs are in large part made up of proteins. This is espe-
cially true of fish and meat, where the bulk of the food matrix
is constructed from proteins. Furthermore, the construction of
the food matrix, both on the cellular and tissue-wide levels, is
regulated and brought about by proteins. It stands to reason,
then, that proteomics is a tool that can be of great value to the
food scientist, giving valuable insight into the composition of
the raw materials, quality involution within the product before,
during, and after processing or storage, the interactions of pro-
teins with one another or with other food components, or with
the human immune system after consumption. In this chapter,
a brief overview of “classical” proteomics methodology is pre-
sented, and their present and future application in relation to fish
and seafood processing and quality is discussed.


Unlike nucleic acids, proteins are an extremely variegated group
of compounds in terms of their chemical and physical proper-
ties. It is not surprising, then, that a field that concerns itself
with “the systematic identification and characterization of pro-
teins for their structure, function, activity and molecular inter-
actions” (Peng et al. 2003) should possess a toolkit containing
a wide spectrum of methods that continue to be developed at
a brisk pace. While high-throughput, gel-free methods, for ex-
ample, based on liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrom-
etry (LC-MS/MS) (Peng et al. 2003), surface-enhanced laser
desorption/ionization (Hogstrand et al. 2002), or protein arrays
(Lee and Nagamune 2004), hold great promise and are deserv-
ing of discussion in their own right, the “classic” process of

Food Biochemistry and Food Processing, Second Edition. Edited by Benjamin K. Simpson, Leo M.L. Nollet, Fidel Toldr ́a, Soottawat Benjakul, Gopinadhan Paliyath and Y.H. Hui.
©C2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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