Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

BLBS102-c22 BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 13:41 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come

416 Part 3: Meat, Poultry and Seafoods

In beef (Bos taurus), a correlation was found between ante-
mortem and postmortem activities of some proteases, but not
others (Vaneenaeme et al. 1994). As discussed in the earlier
section, postmortem proteolysis is a matter of considerable im-
portance in the fish and seafood industry and any antemortem
effects thereupon are surely worth investigating.
In a recent study on the feasibility of substituting fish meal in
rainbow trout (O. mykiss) diets with protein from plant sources,
2DE-based proteomics were among the techniques used (Martin
et al. 2003a, b, Vilhelmsson et al. 2004). Concomitantly, various
quality characteristics of fillet and body were also measured (De

Francesco et al. 2004, Parisi et al. 2004). Among the findings
was that, according to a triangular sensory test using a trained
panel, cooked 5-day-old trout that had been fed the plant pro-
tein diet had higher hardness, lower juiciness, and lower odor
intensity than those fed the fish meal-containing diet, indicating
an effect of antemortem metabolism on product texture. The
study identified a number of metabolic pathways sensitive to
plant protein substitution in rainbow trout feed, such as path-
ways involved in cellular protein degradation, fatty acid break-
down, and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos-
phate) metabolism (Table 22.2). In the context of this chapter,

Table 22.2.Protein Spots Affected by Dietary Plant Protein Substitution in Rainbow Trout as Judged by
Two-dimensional electrophoresis and Their Identities as Determined by Trypsin Digest Mass Fingerprinting

Number pI


Vo l u m e
Diet FMa

Volume Diet

Difference P


128 6.3 66 303 ± 57 60 ± 19 Vacuolar ATPaseβ-subunit 5 0.026
291 6.4 42 521 ± 37 273 ± 30 β-ureidopropionase 2 0.004
356 6.3 38 161 ± 37 44 ± 19 Transaldolase 4 0.031
747 5.6 43 101 ± 19 19 ± 11 β-actin 2 0.040
760 6.3 39 41 ± 621 ± 5 ND 2 0.040
766 4.8 27 12 ± 16 ± 1 ND 2 0.004


80 4.4 82 9 ± 447 ± 8 “Unknown protein” 5 0.007
87 5.7 75 58 ± 14 262 ± 21 Transferrin 5 <0.001
138 5.5 67 99 ± 16 267 ± 39 Hemopexin-like 3 0.009
144 5.4 63 26 ± 6 265 ± 66 l-Plastin 10 0.018
190 5.9 54 6 ± 250 ± 9 Malic enzyme 9 0.018
199 5.9 53 60 ± 16 156 ± 13 Thyroid hormone receptor 3 0.020
275 6.1 45 1 ±0.6 11 ±0.6 NSH 9 <0.001
387 5.6 35 97 ± 3 251 ± 49 Electron transferring flavoprotein 3 0.035
389 5.8 35 192 ± 45 414 ± 54 Electron transferring flavoprotein 2 0.027
399 6.8 33 59 ± 12 130 ± 10 Aldolase B 2 0.028
457 4.7 29 26 ± 757 ± 5 14–3-3 B2 Protein 2 0.021
461 4.7 27 75 ± 9 190 ± 12 Proteasome alpha 2 3 0.004
517 4.4 22 15 ± 6 135 ± 29 Cytochromecoxidase 9 0.013
539 4.9 19 7 ± 318 ± 3 ND 3 0.033
551 4.1 17 40 ± 11 143 ± 28 ND 4 0.018
563 5.2 15 814 ± 198 3762 ± 984 Fatty acid-binding protein 5 0.039
639 6.4 84 10 ± 628 ± 5 NSH 3 0.047
648 6.1 55 17 ± 5 154 ± 46 Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase 9 0.040
678 5.3 48 26 ± 769 ± 15 Proteasome 26S ATPase subunit 4 3 0.044
746 4.4 46 45 ± 13 107 ± 15 “Similar to catenin” 2 0.012
754 4.1 15 6 ± 236 ±4ND 7 <0.001
761 6.1 36 44 ± 21 204 ± 34 Transaldolase 5 0.006
764 6.2 65 0 102 ± 17 NSH > 10 NA
770 5.0 21 4 ± 118 ± 4 ND 4 0.026

aValues are mean normalized protein abundance (±SE). Data were analyzed by the Student’sttest (n=5). In the diet designated FM, protein was
provided in the form of fish meal; in diet designated PP100, protein was provided by a cocktail of plant product with an equivalent amino acid
composition to fish meal.
NSH, no significant homology detected; ND, identity not determined; NA, not available.
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