Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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436 Part 4: Milk

ssp.shermaniimetabolize lactate to form the carbon dioxide re-
sponsible for the eye formation. These cheeses are ripened in hot
rooms (20–22◦C) to optimize the growth of the propionibacteria
and allow eye formation.
Ripening of cheese is a time-intensive process; thus, there is
much interest in accelerating the ripening process without an
adverse effect on cheese quality. Addition of enzymes, includ-
ing the use of encapsulated enzymes; addition of attenuated or
modified starter cultures and adjunct cultures; elevated ripen-
ing temperatures; and the addition of cheese slurry have been
explored as possible means to shorten the ripening processing.
An important consideration is that increased proteolysis or an
imbalance of enzyme activity can result in higher contents of hy-
drophobic amino acids and peptides that contribute to bitterness
(Choisey 2000, Law 2001, Azarnia et al. 2006).

Processed Cheese

Processed cheeses are produced by blending and heating several
natural cheeses with emulsifiers, water, butterfat, whey powder
and/or caseinates to form a homogeneous mixture. The pro-
portion of cheese used in the formulation ranges from 51%
for cheese spreads and cheese foods to 98% in processed
cheeses. Different types of natural cheeses will produce pro-
cessed cheeses with different flavor and textural characteristics.
The formulation of these ingredients affects the consistency, tex-
ture, flavor, and melting characteristics of the processed cheese.
The heating process inactivates the microorganisms and dena-
tures enzymes to produce a stable product. The flavor of the
processed cheese is generally milder than the natural cheeses,
due to the effects of the heat. However, the melting properties
of the processed cheese are much improved due to the addition
of the emulsifiers. Processed cheeses range in consistency from
block cheese to sliced cheese to cheese for spreading. (Banks
1998, Fox et al. 2000).


Flavor and consistency are the most important quality attributes
to consider during the processing of butter. The characteristic
flavor of butter is a result of the formation of diacetyl by het-
erofermentative lactic acid bacteria. Off-flavors due to lipolysis,
oxidation, or other contaminants should be avoided. The but-
ter should be firm enough to hold its shape, yet soft enough to
spread easily. Modification of the cow’s diet to increase contents
of polyunsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids in
the milk (Avramis et al. 2003, Bobe et al. 2007) or selecting cows
that produce milk with a higher content of unsaturated fatty acids
(Bobe et al. 2003) results in butter with a softer texture and the
potential for improved cold spreadability due to decrease in the
content of saturated fatty acids. Figure 23.2 outlines the process
involved for making butter and the by-product buttermilk.
The first step in the processing of butter is skimming the milk
to obtain cream with a fat content of at least 35%, in which the
fat is dispersed as droplets within the aqueous phase. This step
increases the efficiency of the process through increasing the
yield of butter, reducing the yield of buttermilk, and reducing

Figure 23.2.Processing scheme for butter processed from ripened

the size of machinery needed. The pasteurization step functions
to kill microorganisms, to inactivate enzymes, and to make the
butter less susceptible to oxidative degradation. Following pas-
teurization, the cream is inoculated with a starter culture mixture
(1–2%) ofLactococcusssp. andLeuconostocssp., which con-
tributes to the development of the characteristics butter flavor. It
is desirable that the starter cultures grow rapidly at low temper-
atures. During ripening, the cream begins to ferment and the fat
begins to crystallize. The formation of lactic acid and diacetyl
by the starter cultures contributes to flavor development in the
butter and buttermilk. Crystallization of the fat is important to
maximize the yield of the butter and minimize loss of fat into
the buttermilk during the churning process. During the churn-
ing process, air is incorporated into the cream using dashboards
or rotary agitators contributing to the aggregation of fat glob-
ules to form butter granules. The resulting butter grains may be
washed with water to remove nonfat solids followed by work-
ing or kneading the butter grains. During the working step, a
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