Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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472 Part 4: Milk

  1. Acidification of milk, whey or mixtures thereof to pH ap-
    proximately 5.2 and heating to approximately 90◦C. These
    cheeses are usually consumed fresh; common examples
    include Ricotta and variants thereof, Manouri and some
    forms of Queso Blanco.

Rennet-Coagulated Cheeses

These cheeses, which represent approximately 75% of total pro-
duction, are produced in a great diversity of shapes, flavours and
textures (∼1400 varieties worldwide). Their production can be
divided into two phases: (1) conversion of milk to cheese curd
and (2) ripening of the curd (Fig. 25.2B).
Cheese may be made from milk of many species, with bovine,
ovine and caprine being most common globally. Cheese may be
made from raw or pasteurised milk, and in large-scale industrial
cheese production the latter is far more common, with some
exceptions. The heat treatment applied is normally conventional
HTST pasteurisation, as more severe treatments may impair
the coagulation properties of milk due to heat-induced interac-
tion of whey proteins and casein micelles. Other pre-treatments
that may be applied to cheese milk include adjustment of the
fat:protein or fat:casein ratio (i.e., standardisation) to achieve
certain targets for cheese composition, and addition of CaCl 2 ,

Milk Culture of LAB Coagulum Cooled, packaged


Acid-curd cheese
Various condiments

Various products, e.g., petit filous

5-24 h 2 wks–2 yr
Milk Curds Cheese
Dehydration cutting

Rate directly related
to moisture content



Figure 25.2.Principles of manufacture of (A) acid-coagulated and
(B) rennet-coagulated cheese.

which may be used to adjust for seasonal differences in mineral
balance of milk. For some varieties, milk pH may be reduced
(e.g., by adding gluconic acid-δ-lactone) prior to coagulation.


The coagulation of milk for the production of rennet-coagulated
cheese exploits a unique characteristic of the casein system. As
described in Chapter 24, the casein in milk exists as large (di-
ameter 50–600 nm, mean 150 nm) colloidal particles, known as
casein micelles. The micelles are stabilised byκ-casein, which
is concentrated on the surface, with its hydrophobicN-terminal
segment interacting with theαs1–,αs2– andβ-caseins, and its
hydrophilicC-terminal third protruding into the aqueous en-
vironment, forming a layer approximately 7 nm thick, which
stabilises the micelles by a zeta potential of about –20 mV and
by steric stabilisation. The stability of the micelles is lost when
the surfaceκ-casein layer is destroyed by heat, alcohol or pro-
teinases (known as rennets).
Several proteinases can coagulate milk but the traditional and
the most effective rennets are NaCl extracts of the stomachs of
young, milk-fed calves, kids or lambs. The active enzyme in
these rennets is chymosin; as the animal ages, the secretion of
chymosin decreases and is replaced by pepsin. The supply of
chymosin has been inadequate for about 50 years due to the
increased production of cheese and reduced availability of calf
stomachs (due to the birth of fewer calves and the slaughter of
calves at an older age). This shortage has led to a search for
alternative coagulants (rennet substitutes).
Many, perhaps most, proteinases can coagulate milk under
certain conditions, but almost all are unsuitable as rennets be-
cause they are too proteolytic, resulting in a reduced yield of
cheese curd and off-flavoured cheese. Only five successful ren-
net substitutes have been identified: (1) bovine and (2) porcine
pepsins and acid proteinases from (3)Rhizomucor mehei,(4)
Rhizomucor pusillusand (5)Cryphonectria parasitica.Plant
rennets (e.g., that fromCynara cardunculus) have also been
studied as possible coagulants, but have high proteolytic activity
relative to their milk-clotting activity, which may lead to bitter-
ness in cheese. Plant rennets have been most successfully used
for cheese varieties made in Spain and Portugal from ovine milk
(e.g., Torta del Casar and Serra Da Estrela), in which bitterness
does not seem to be a problem.
Rennet pastes, including those from kids or lambs, have been
traditionally used for some hard Italian and Greek cheese vari-
eties. These are less purified than conventional calf rennet, and
include a lipase, pregastric esterase (PGE), which contributes to
lipolysis during ripening of these varieties. The calf chymosin
gene has been cloned inKluyveromyces lactis, Escherichia coli
andAspergillus nigerand fermentation-produced chymosin is
now used widely.
Chymosin and most of the other commercially successful
rennets hydrolyseκ-casein specifically at the Phe 105 –Met 106
bond;C. parasiticaproteinase cleavesκ-casein at Ser 104 –Phe 105.
The liberated hydrophilicC-terminal segment, known as the
(glyco) caseinomacropeptide (CMP), diffuses into the surround-
ing aqueous phase and the stability of the micelles is destroyed.
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