Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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476 Part 4: Milk

products, such as processed cheese, cheese analogues and
enzyme-modified cheese (EMC). Processed cheese is produced
by blending natural cheeses of differing stages of ripening,
to balance structural and flavour properties, and adding wa-
ter and emulsifying salts that convert the insoluble calcium
para-caseinate to more soluble and amphiphilic sodium para-
caseinate, which then produces a stable emulsion. Emulsification
is carried out under high-shear conditions at 70–90◦C, yielding a
safe and stable product. Following this molten stage, the cheese
can be set (on cooling) into a wide range of shapes and forms,
including blocks and slices; in addition, by choosing the formu-
lation and ingredients used, a range of textures from solid blocks
to spreads, which can have a range of added food components
and flavours, can be produced.
In the case of cheese analogues, natural cheese is not used, and
the main source of casein is usually rennet casein; such products
may be used as Mozzarella substitutes for pizza toppings. EMC
is cheese curd that has been incubated with enzymes (e.g., pro-
teinases, peptidases and lipases) to yield a concentrated product
with an intense cheese flavour that can be used as an ingredient
(often in dried form) in food formulations. EMC with flavour
profiles matching different cheese varieties have been produced.

Acid-Coagulated Cheeses

Acid-coagulated cheeses are at one end of the spectrum of fer-
mented dairy products, the production of which is summarised
in Figure 25.2A. Depending on the desired fat content of the final
product, the starting material may be low-fat cream, whole milk,
semi-skimmed milk or skimmed milk. The milk for Cottage-
type cheese is subjected to only mild heat treatment so that the
syneretic properties of the coagulum are not impaired.

Fermented Milks

In addition to acid-coagulated cheese, a wide range of fermented
milk products are produced worldwide today, including:
 products of fermentation by mesophilic or thermophilic
LAB (e.g., yoghurt); and
 products obtained by alcohol-lactic fermentation by LAB
and yeast (e.g., kefir, koumiss).

For yoghurt, as for acid-coagulated cheese, the milk base
(with a fat content depending on the final product) is usually
supplemented with milk solids to enhance the viscosity and
rigidity of the final coagulum, in some cases to simulate the
viscosity of yoghurt made from sheep’s milk, which has a higher
total solids content than cows’ milk. The milk solids added may
be WMP or SMP or whey powders, depending on the type of
product required (Gonz ́alez-Mart ́ınez et al. 2002, Remeuf et al.
2003). The most commonly used milk powder today is probably
SMP, typically of medium heat classification. Buttermilk powder
may be used also as a substitute for SMP, with the advantages
of good emulsifying properties and potential biological activity.
Syneresis, which causes free whey in the product, is very
undesirable in fermented milk products. Therefore, the milk or
starting mix is subjected to a severe heat treatment (e.g., 90◦Cfor

10 minutes) to denature the whey proteins, increase their water-
binding capacity and produce a firmer gel network, consist-
ing of casein–whey protein complexes. The heat treatment also
kills vegetative pathogenic bacteria, rendering the product safe
(Robinson 2002a). Homogenisation of the mix also increases
the firmness of the gel, because the fat globules in homogenised
milk are stabilised mainly by a surface layer of adsorbed casein
micelles, through which they can become structural elements of
the final acid-induced gel.
The relative proportion of caseins and whey proteins in yo-
ghurt has a significant influence on the structure of the gel
(Puvanenthiran et al. 2002). Hydrocolloid stabilisers (polysac-
charides or proteins) may be added to the mix to modify the
viscosity (by gelling or thickening) and/or prevent syneresis
(Fizsman et al. 1999, Tamime and Robinson 1999). Pectin is
probably the most commonly used hydrocolloid stabiliser for
yoghurt, but carageenan, guar gum, alginate and various modi-
fied and natural starches are also widely used. Sweetening agents
(e.g., sugars or synthetic sweeteners such as aspartame) may be
added to the mix, and fruit purees or fruit essence may be added
either at the start or end of fermentation.
The starter culture for yoghurt containsStr. thermophilusand
Lb. bulgaricussubsp.bulgaricus. In recent years, many fer-
mented milk products have been introduced with added probi-
otic bacteria such asBifidobacteriaspp. orLactobacillus aci-
dophilus,due to increasing consumer interest in the health ben-
efits of such bacteria, and increasing clinical evidence of their
efficacy (Surono and Hosono 2002, Robinson 2002b, Reid 2008,
Sanchez et al. 2009). The texture and viscosity of yoghurt may
be modified by using an exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing
starter culture (strains of bothStr. thermophilusandLb. bulgar-
icussubsp.bulgaricushave been identified that secrete capsular
heteropolysaccharides; De Vuyst et al. 2001, Hassan et al. 2003).
During fermentation, the production of lactic acid destabilises
the casein micelles resulting in their coagulation (acid-induced
gelation) (Lucey and Singh 1998). The main point of differ-
ence between the production protocols for yoghurt and acid-
coagulated cheese is that when the pH has reached 4.6 and the
milk has set into a coagulum, this coagulum is cut or broken for
the latter but not for the former. In addition, the heat treatment
applied to milk for the manufacture of acid-coagulated cheese is
less severe than for yoghurt, to facilitate syneresis in the former,
while avoiding it in the latter.
Depending on the desired characteristics of the finished prod-
uct, the milk may be fermented in the final package (to produce
a firm set yoghurt) or in bulk tanks, followed by filling (to pro-
duce a more liquid stirred yoghurt) (Tamime and Robinson 1999,
Robinson 2002a). The rate of acidification for set or stirred yo-
ghurt differs due to differences in the level of inoculation and
incubation temperature.
It is important to cool the yoghurt rapidly when pH 4.6 is
reached, to preserve the gel structure and prevent further starter
activity (Robinson 2002a). In some cases, the viscosity of the
yoghurt may be reduced by post-fermentation homogenisation
to produce drinking yoghurt.
Yoghurt has a relatively short shelf life; common changes
during storage involve syneresis, with whey expulsion, and
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