Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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478 Part 4: Milk

extraction, selective enzymatic hydrolysis and ion-exchange
resins have been described. On a commercial scale, the pro-
duction of products containing purified but unfractionated whey
proteins remains most common, although ion-exchange meth-
ods for the recovery of biologically significant (and hence high
value) proteins from whey, such as lactoperoxidase and lacto-
ferrin have been scaled up and are in commercial operation.

Lactose Processing

Whey or whey permeate, produced as a by-product of UF pro-
cessing, contains a high level of lactose. This can be recovered
by crystallisation from a concentrated (supersaturated, 60–62%
TS) preparation of either whey or whey permeate (for review see
Muir 2002, Peterson 2009). The crystalline lactose is usually re-
covered using a decanter centrifuge, dried in a fluidised bed dryer
and ground to a fine powder, which is used in food applications,
for example confectionery products and infant formulae. Lac-
tose is also used widely in pharmaceutical applications (e.g., as
a diluent in drug tablets); for such applications, the lactose is
generally further refined by re-dissolving in hot water and mix-
ing with activated carbon, followed by filtration, crystallisation
and drying.
Many derivatives of lactose can be produced, some of which
are more valuable and useful than lactose (Fig. 25.4, Playne
and Crittenden 2009). For example, lactulose (β-d-galactosyl-d-
fructose) and lactitol (β-d-galactosyl-sorbitol) are used in treat-
ment of patients with chronic hepatic encephalopathy, and both
have prebiotic effects. In addition, lactose in whey can be fer-
mented to alcohol for industrial use in beverages.


In recent years, it has been increasingly recognised that milk
proteins have functionalities that can be exploited in food sys-
tems other than conventional dairy products; these proteins have



Glucose, galactose, oligosaccharides

Enzymatic or acid



Lactosyl urea
(animal feed)

Biomass, ethanol or
propionic lactic or acetic


Fermentation with
Concentration and
acidic reaction with



Figure 25.4.Food-grade derivatives of lactose.

been increasingly recognised as desirable ingredients for a range
of food products (Mulvihill and Ennis 2003). The very different
properties of the two classes of milk proteins, the caseins and
whey proteins, present different technological challenges for
recovery, and are suitable for quite different applications. The
whey proteins have been discussed previously, and the caseins
will be discussed in the following section.

Recovery and Application of Caseins

Technologies for the recovery of caseins from milk are based
on the fact that relatively simple perturbations of the milk sys-
tem can destabilise the caseins selectively, resulting in their
precipitation and facilitating their recovery from milk (Mulvi-
hill and Fox 1994, Mulvihill and Ennis 2003). As discussed for
rennet-coagulated cheese, the stability of the caseins in a col-
loidal micellar form is possible due to the amphiphilic nature of
κ-casein. To overcome this stability, and precipitate the caseins,
merely requires that this stabilising effect be overcome.
The two key principles used to destabilise the micelles are (1)
acidification to the isoelectric point of the caseins (pH 4.6) or (2)
limited proteolysis, for example by chymosin, which hydrolyses
κ-casein, removing the stabilising glycomacropeptide. In both
cases, the starting material for casein production is skim milk.
For acid casein, acidification can be achieved either by addition
of a mineral acid, usually HCl, or fermentation of lactose to lactic
acid by a culture of LAB. When the isoelectric point is reached,
a precipitate (rapid acidification) or a gel (slower acidification)
is formed; the latter is cut/broken to initiate syneresis and expel
whey. The mixture of casein and whey is stirred and cooked
to enhance syneresis, and the casein separated from the whey
(either centrifugally or by sieving). To improve the purity of the
casein, the curds are washed repeatedly with water to remove
residual salts and lactose, and the final casein is dried, typically
in specialised dryers, such as attrition or ring dryers. For rennet
casein, the milk gel is formed by adding a suitable coagulant
to skim milk, but subsequent stages are similar to those for
acid casein.
Both acid and rennet casein are relatively insoluble in wa-
ter, and are used in the production of cheese analogues (rennet
casein) and convenience food products, as well as non-food ap-
plications, such as the manufacture of glues, plastics and paper
glazing (acid casein).
To extend the range of applications of acid casein, and im-
prove its functionality, it may be converted to a metal salt (e.g.,
Na, K, Ca caseinates), by mixing a suspension of acid casein
with the appropriate hydroxide and heating, followed by drying
(typically with a low, that is approximately 20%, total solids con-
centration in the feed, due to high product viscosity, in a spray-
dryer). Caseinates, particularly sodium caseinate, have a range of
useful functional properties, including emulsification and thick-
ening; calcium caseinate has a micellar structure (Mulvihill and
Ennis 2003).
Microfiltration (MF) technology may be used to produce pow-
ders enriched in micellar casein (Pouliot et al. 1996, Maubois
1997, Kelly et al. 2000, Garem et al. 2000). Casein recovered
by MF has very different functionality and properties compared
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