Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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504 Part 4: Milk

Table 26.5.Properties of Equine and Bovineβ-Lactoglobulin (β-Lg) and Equine Bovine and Humanα-Lactalbumin
(α-La) and Lactoferrin.

Protein Species Variant



Mass (Da)




β-Lg Equine I P02758 162 18500.2 4.85 −0.386 2
II P07380 163 18261.6 4.71 −0.300 2
Bovine A P02754 162 18367.3 4.76 −0.167 2
B P02754 162 18281.2 4.83 −0.162 2
α-La Equine A P08334 123 14223.2 4.95 −0.416 4 c
B P08896 123 14251.2 4.95 −0.503 4 c
C P08896 123 14249.3 5.11 −0.438 4 c
Bovine P00711 123 14186.0 4.80 −0.453 4
Human P00709 123 14078.1 4.70 −0.255 4
Lactoferrin Equine O77811 689 75420.4 8.32 −0.376 17
Bovine P24627 689 76143.9 8.67 −0.350 16 d
Human P02788 691 76165.2 8.47 −0.415 16

Source: Modified from Uniacke et al. 2010.
Values were calculated from the amino acid sequences of the mature proteins provided on
aPrimary accession number for the protein in SWISS-PROT database.
bGrand average hydropathy (GRAVY) score using the scale of Kyte and Doolittle (1982).
cEstimated from structural similarity with bovine and humanα-La.
dEstimated from structural similarity with human lactoferrin.

−0.386 and−0.300, respectively (Table 26.5). Bovineβ-Lg A
and B have a GRAVY score of−0.167 and−0.162, respectively
(Table 26.5), and are, therefore, considered to be less hydrophilic
than equineβ-Lg I and II. Both equine and bovineβ-Lg contain
two intramolecular disulphide bridges, linking Cys 66 to Cys 160
and Cys 106 to Cys 119 in equineβ-Lg I, Cys 66 to Cys 161 and Cys 106
to Cys 120 in equineβ-Lg II and Cys 66 to Cys 160 and Cys 106 to
Cys 119 or Cys 121 in bovineβ-Lg A and B. Bovineβ-Lg contains
one sulphydryl group at Cys 119 or Cys 121. Equineβ-Lg contains
only four cysteine residues and lacks a sulphydryl group that
has major implications for denaturation and aggregation of the
protein (see later).
At physiological conditions (neutral pH andβ-Lg concentra-
tion> 50 μM), bovineβ-Lg occurs predominantly in dimeric
form and at its isoelectric point (pH 3.7–5.2) the dimers as-
sociate into octamers but below pH 3.4 and above pH 8.0 the
protein dissociates into its monomeric form (Gottschalk et al.
2003). Equine and asinineβ-Lg I exist in the monomeric form
only (Godovac-Zimmermann et al. 1990).


α-La, a unique milk protein, is homologous with the well-
characterised C-type Lyz. It is a calcium metalloprotein, in which
the Ca^2 +plays a crucial role in folding and structure and has
a regulatory function in the synthesis of lactose (Larson 1979,
Brew 2003, Neville 2009).
Similar to theα-La of asinine, bovine, caprine, ovine, camelid
and human milk, equineα-La contains 123 amino acids (Brew
2003). Equineα-La occurs as three genetic variants, A, B

and C, which differ by only a few single amino acid replace-
ments (Godovac-Zimmermann et al. 1987). Bovineα-La occurs
as two, or possibly three, genetic variants (Bell et al. 1981b)
and humanα-La has two genetic variants, one of which has
been identified only recently (Chowanadisai et al. 2005). The
primary structure of equine, bovine and humanα-La differ only
by a few single amino acid replacements, and the proteins have
similar properties (Table 26.5). Equineα-La A, B and C have an
isoelectric point at pH 4.95, 4.95 and 5.11, respectively, whereas
bovine and humanα-La have isoelectric point at pH 4.80 and
4.70, respectively (Table 26.5). The GRAVY scores of equine
and bovineα-La are comparable, whereas that of humanα-La is
distinctly higher (Table 26.5), indicating a lower hydrophobicity.
The eight-cysteine residues of bovine and humanα-La form four
intramolecular disulphide bonds, linking Cys 6 to Cys 120 ,Cys 28
to Cys 111 ,Cys 61 to Cys 77 and Cys 73 to Cys 93. On the basis of the
very high similarity between equine, bovine and humanα-Las,
as well as theα-La of other species, it is very likely that equine
α-La also contains four intramolecular disulphide bridges, in the
aforementioned positions. Equine, bovine or humanα-La does
not contain a sulphydryl group.
Three genetic variants of equineα-La have been reported
but asinine milk has only one (123 amino acid residues, Mw
approximately 14.2 kDa and four disulphide bonds), although
some heterogeneity has been shown. Two isoforms, A and B, of
asinineα-La (whose isoelectric points differ by 0.23 units) have
been reported but subsequent analysis showed that the protein
has only one form and misidentification in earlier work was
probably due to differences in calcium binding by asinineα-La
(Giuffrida et al. 1992). The primary structure of asinineα-La
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