Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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534 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals

volume, tomato, orange, banana and grape are the major fruit
crops used for consumption and processing around the world
(Kays 1997).


Fruits contain a large percentage of water, which can often ex-
ceed 95% by fresh weight. During ripening, activation of sev-
eral metabolic pathways often leads to drastic changes in the
biochemical composition of fruits. Fruits such as banana store
starch during development, and hydrolyse the starch to sugars
during ripening, that also results in fruit softening. Most fruits
are capable of photosynthesis, store starch and convert them to
sugars during ripening. Fruits such as apple, tomato, grape and
so on have a high percentage of organic acids, which decreases
during ripening. Fruits also contain large amounts of fibrous
materials such as cellulose and pectin. The degradation of these
polymers into smaller water-soluble units during ripening leads
to fruit softening as exemplified by the breakdown of pectin
in tomato and cellulose in avocado. Secondary plant products
are major compositional ingredients in fruits. Anthocyanins are
the major colour components in grape, blueberry, apple and
plum; carotenoids, specifically lycopene and carotene, are the
major components that impart colour in tomato and watermelon.
Aroma is derived from several types of compounds that include
monoterpenes (as in lime, orange), ester volatiles (ethyl, methyl
butyrate in apple, isoamyl acetate in banana), simple organic
acids such as citric and malic acids (citrus fruits, apple) and
small chain aldehydes such as hexenal and hexanal (cucumber).
Fruits are also rich in vitamin C. Lipid content is quite low in
fruits, the exceptions being avocado and olives, in which tri-
acylglycerols (oils) form the major storage components. The
amounts of proteins are usually low in most fruits.

Carbohydrates, Storage and Structural

As the name implies, carbohydrates are organic compounds con-
taining carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Basically, all carbohy-
drates are derived by the photosynthetic reduction of CO 2 to
the pentoses (ribose, ribulose) and hexoses (glucose, fructose),
which are also intermediates in the metabolic pathways. Poly-
merisation of several sugar derivatives leads to various storage
(starch, inulin) and structural components (cellulose, pectin).
During photosynthesis, the glucose formed is converted to
starch and stored as starch granules. Glucose and its isomer fruc-
tose, along with phosphorylated forms (glucose-6-phosphate,
glucose-1,6- diphosphate, fructose-6-phosphate and fructose-
1,6-diphosphate), can be considered to be the major metabolic
hexose pool components that provide carbon skeleton for the
synthesis of carbohydrate polymers. Starch is the major storage
carbohydrate in fruits. There are two molecular forms of starch,
amylose and amylopectin and both components are present in the
starch grain. Starch is synthesised from glucose phosphate by the
activities of a number of enzymes designated as ADP-glucose
pyrophosphorylase, starch synthase and a starch-branching en-

zyme. ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase catalyses the reaction
between glucose-1-phosphate and ATP that generates ADP-
glucose and pyrophosphate. ADP-glucose is used by starch syn-
thase to add glucose molecules to amylose or amylopectin chain,
thus increasing their degree of polymerisation. By contrast to
cellulose that is made up of glucose units inβ-1,4-glycosidic
linkages, the starch molecule contains glucose linked byα-1,4-
glycosidic linkages. The starch branching enzyme introduces
glucose molecules throughα-1,6- linkages which further gets ex-
tended into linear amylose units withα-1,4- glycosidic linkages.
Thus, the added glucose branch points (α-1,6-linkages) serve as
sites for further elongation by starch synthase, thus resulting in
a branched starch molecule, also known as amylopectin.
Cell wall is a complex structure composed of cellulose and
pectin, derived from hexoses such as glucose, galactose, rham-
nose and mannose, and pentoses such as xylose and arabinose,
as well as some of their derivatives such as glucuronic and
galacturonic acids (Negi and Handa 2008). A model proposed
by Keegstra et al. (1973) describes the cell wall as a polymeric
structure constituted by cellulose microfibrils and hemicellulose
embedded in the apoplastic matrix in association with pectic
components and proteins. In combination, these components
provide the structural rigidity that is characteristic to the plant
cell. Most of the pectin is localised in the middle lamella. Cel-
lulose is biosynthesised by the action ofβ-1,4-glucan synthase
enzyme complexes that are localised on the plasma membrane.
The enzyme uses uridine diphosphate glucose (UDPG) as a
substrate, and by adding UDPG units to small cellulose units,
extends the length and polymerisation of the cellulose chain. In
addition to cellulose, there are polymers made of different hex-
oses and pentoses known as hemicelluloses, and based on their
composition, they are categorised as xyloglucans, glucoman-
nans and galactoglucomannans. The cellulose chains assemble
into microfibrils through hydrogen bonds to form crystalline
structures. In a similar manner, pectin is biosynthesised from
UDP-galacturonic acid (galacturonic acid is derived from galac-
tose, a six carbon sugar), as well as other sugars and derivatives
and includes galacturonans and rhamnogalacturonans that form
the acidic fraction of pectin. As the name implies, rhamnogalac-
turonans are synthesised primarily from galacturonic acid and
rhamnose. The acidic carboxylic groups complex with calcium
that provide the rigidity to the cell wall and the fruit. The neu-
tral fraction of the pectin comprises polymers such as arabinans
(polymers of arabinose), galactans (polymers of galactose) or
arabinogalactans (containing both arabinose and galactose). All
these polymeric components form a complex three-dimensional
network stabilised by hydrogen bonds, ionic interactions involv-
ing calcium, phenolic components such as diferulic acid and
hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (Fry 1986, Negi and Handa
2008). It is also important to visualise that these structures are
not static and the components of cell wall are constantly being
turned over in response to growth conditions.

Lipids and Biomembranes

By structure, lipids can form both structural and storage
components. The major forms of lipids include fatty acids,
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