Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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540 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals

cell wall components such as cellulose. UDP-glucose is con-
verted to sucrose-6-phosphate by the enzyme sucrose phosphate
synthase (SPS), which utilises fructose-6-phosphate during this
reaction. Finally, sucrose is formed from sucrose-6-phosphate
by the action of phosphatase with the liberation of the inorganic
Even though sucrose biosynthesis is an integral part of starch
metabolism, sucrose often is not the predominant sugar that ac-
cumulates in fruits. Sucrose is further converted into glucose
and fructose by the action of invertase, which are character-
istic to many ripe fruits. By the actions of sucrose synthase
and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, glucose-1-phosphate can
be regenerated from sucrose. As well, sugar alcohols such
as sorbitol and mannitol formed during sugar metabolism are
major transport and storage components in apple and olive,
Biosynthesis and catabolism of starch has been extensively
studied in banana, where prior to ripening, it can account for
20–25% by fresh weight of the pulp tissue. All the starch degrad-
ing enzymes,α-amylase,β-amylase,α-glucosidase and starch
phosphorylase, have been isolated from banana pulp. The ac-
tivities of these enzymes increase during ripening. Concomitant
with the catabolism of starch, there is an accumulation of the
sugars, primarily, sucrose, glucose and fructose. At the initiation
of ripening, sucrose appears to be the major sugar component,
which declines during the advancement of ripening with a si-
multaneous increase in glucose and fructose through the action
of invertase (Beaudry et al. 1989). Mango is another fruit which
stores large amounts of starch. The starch is degraded by the
activities of amylases during the ripening process. In mango,
glucose, fructose and sucrose are the major forms of simple sug-
ars (Selvaraj et al. 1989). The sugar content is generally very
high in ripe mangoes and can reach levels in excess of 90%
of the total soluble solids content. By contrast to the bananas,
the sucrose levels increase with the advancement of ripening in
mangoes, potentially due to gluconeogenesis from organic acids
(Kumar and Selvaraj 1990). As well, the levels of pentose sugars
increase during ripening, and could be related to an increase in
the activity of the PPP.


The conversion of starch to sugars and their subsequent
metabolism occur in different compartments. During the de-
velopment of fruits, photosynthetically fixed carbon is utilised
for both respiration and biosynthesis. During this phase, the
biosynthetic processes dominate. As the fruit matures and be-
gin to ripen, the pattern of sugar utilisation changes. Ripening
is a highly energy-intensive process. And this is reflected in
the burst in respiratory carbon dioxide evolution during ripen-
ing. As mentioned earlier, the respiratory burst is characteristic
of some fruits which are designated as climacteric fruits. The
post-harvest shelf life of fruits can depend on their intensity of
respiration. Fruits such as mango and banana possess high level
of respiratory activity and are highly perishable. The application
of controlled atmosphere conditions having low oxygen levels

and low temperature have thus become a routine technology for
the long-term preservation of fruits.
The sugars and sugar phosphates generated during the
catabolism of starch are metabolised through the glycolysis and
citric acid cycle (Fig. 27.3). Sugar phosphates can also be chan-
nelled through the PPP, which is a major metabolic cycle that
provides reducing power for biosynthetic reactions in the form of
NADPH, as well as supplying carbon skeletons for the biosyn-
thesis of several secondary plant products. The organic acids
stored in the vacuole are metabolised through the functional re-
versal of respiratory pathway and is termed as gluconeogenesis.
Altogether, sugar metabolism is a key biochemical characteristic
of the fruits.
In the glycolytic steps of reactions (Fig. 27.3), glucose-6-
phosphate is isomerised to fructose-6-phosphate by the enzyme
hexose-phosphate isomerase. Glucose 6-phosphate is derived
from glucose-1-phosphate by the action of glucose phosphate
mutase. Fructose-6-phosphate is phosphorylated at the C1 posi-
tion, yielding fructose-1,6- bisphosphate. This reaction is catal-
ysed by the enzyme phosphofructokinase (PFK) in the pres-
ence of ATP. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is further cleaved into
two three carbon intermediates, dihydroxyacetone phosphate
and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, catalysed by the enzyme al-
dolase. These two compounds are interconvertible through an
isomerisation reaction mediated by triose phosphate isomerase.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is subsequently phosphorylated at
the C1 position using orthophosphate, as well as oxidised using
NAD, to generate 1,3-diphosphoglycerate and NADH. In the
next reaction, 1,3-diphosphoglycerate is dephosphorylated by
glycerate-3-phosphate kinase in the presence of ADP, along with
the formation of ATP. Glycerate-3-phosphate formed during this
reaction is further isomerised to 2-phosphoglycerate in the pres-
ence of phosphoglycerate mutase. In the presence of the enzyme
enolase, 2-phosphoglycerate is converted to phosphoenol pyru-
vate (PEP). Dephosphorylation of phosphoenolpyruvate in the
presence of ADP by pyruvate kinase yields pyruvate and ATP.
Metabolic fate of pyruvate is highly regulated. Under normal
conditions, it is converted to acetyl CoA, which then enters the
citric acid cycle. Under anaerobic conditions, pyruvate can be
metabolised to ethanol, which is a by-product in several ripening
There are two key regulatory steps in glycolysis, one mediated
by PFK and the other by pyruvate kinase. In addition, there
are other types of modulation involving cofactors and enzyme
structural changes reported to be involved in glycolytic control.
ATP levels increase during ripening. However, in fruits, this
does not cause a feed back inhibition of PFK as observed in
animal systems. There are two isozymes of PFK in plants, one
localised in plastids and the other localised in the cytoplasm.
These isozymes regulate the flow of carbon from the hexose
phosphate pool to the pentose phosphate pool. PFK isozymes
are strongly inhibited by PEP. Thus, any conditions that may
cause the accumulation of PEP will tend to reduce the carbon
flow through glycolysis. By contrast, inorganic phosphate is a
strong activator of PFK. Thus, the ratio of PEP to inorganic
phosphate would appear to be the major factor that regulates the
activity of PFK and carbon flux through glycolysis. Structural
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