Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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542 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals

of the enzyme makes it less active. Glucose-6-phosphate is an
allosteric activator (a molecule that can bind to an enzyme and
increase its activity through enzyme subunit association) of the
active form of SPS (dephosphorylated). Glucose-6-phosphate is
an inhibitor of SPS kinase and inorganic phosphate is an inhibitor
of SPS phosphatase. Thus, under conditions when glucose-6-
phosphate/inorganic phosphate ratio is high, the active form of
SPS will dominate favouring sucrose phosphate biosynthesis.
These regulations are highly complex and may be regulated by
the flux of other sugars in several pathways.
The conversion of PEP to pyruvate mediated by pyruvate ki-
nase is another key metabolic step in the glycolytic pathway and
is irreversible. Pyruvate is used in several metabolic reactions.
During respiration, pyruvate is further converted to acetyl coen-
zyme A (acetyl CoA), which enters the citric acid cycle through
which it is completely oxidised to carbon dioxide (Fig. 27.3).
The conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA is mediated by the en-
zyme complex pyruvate dehydrogenase, and is an oxidative step
that involves the formation of NADH from NAD. Acetyl CoA
is a key metabolite and starting point for several biosynthetic
reactions (fatty acids, isoprenoids, phenylpropanoids, etc.).

Citric Acid Cycle

The citric acid cycle involves the biosynthesis of several organic
acids, many of which serve as precursors for the biosynthesis
of several groups of amino acids. In the first reaction, oxaloac-
etate combines with acetyl CoA to form citrate, and is mediated
by citrate synthase (Fig. 27.3). In the next step, citrate is con-
verted to isocitrate by the action of aconitase. The next two steps
in the cycle involve oxidative decarboxylation. The conversion
of isocitrate toα-ketoglutarate involves the removal of a car-
bon dioxide molecule and reduction of NAD to NADH. This
step is catalysed by isocitrate dehydrogenase.α-ketoglutarate is
converted to succinyl-CoA byα-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase,
along with the removal of another molecule of carbon dioxide
and the conversion of NAD to NADH. Succinate, the next prod-
uct, is formed from succinyl CoA by the action of succinyl CoA
synthetase that involves the removal of the CoA moiety and the
conversion of ADP to ATP. Through these steps, the complete
oxidation of the acetyl CoA moiety has been achieved with the
removal of two molecules of carbon dioxide. Thus, succinate
is a four-carbon organic acid. Succinate is further converted to
fumarate and malate in the presence of succinate dehydrogenase
and fumarase, respectively. Malate is oxidised to oxaloacetate
by the enzyme malate dehydrogenase along with the conversion
of NAD to NADH. Oxaloacetate then can combine with another
molecule of acetyl CoA to repeat the cycle. The reducing power
generated in the form of NADH and FADH (succinate dehydro-
genation step) is used for the biosynthesis of ATP through the
electron transport chain in the mitochondria.


Several fruits store large amounts of organic acids in their vac-
uole and these acids are converted back to sugars during ripen-
ing, a process termed as gluconeogenesis. Several irreversible

steps in the glycolysis and citric acid cycle are bypassed dur-
ing gluconeogenesis. Malate and citrate are the major organic
acids present in fruits. In fruits such as grapes, where there is a
transition from a sour to a sweet stage during ripening, organic
acids content declines. Grape contains predominantly tartaric
acid along with malate, citrate, succinate, fumarate and several
organic acid intermediates of metabolism. The content of or-
ganic acids in berries can affect their suitability for processing.
High acid content coupled with low sugar content can result in
poor-quality wines. External warm growth conditions enhance
the metabolism of malic acid in grapes during ripening and could
result in a high tartarate/malate ratio, which is considered ideal
for vinification.
The metabolism of malate during ripening is mediated by the
malic enzyme, NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase. Along
with a decline in malate content, there is a concomitant increase
in the sugars, suggesting a possible metabolic precursor prod-
uct relationship between these two events. Indeed, when grape
berries were fed with radiolabelled malate, the radiolabel could
be recovered in glucose. The metabolism of malate involves its
conversion to oxaloacetate mediated by malate dehydrogenase,
the decarboxylation of oxaloacetate to PEP catalysed by PEP-
carboxykinase, and a reversal of glycolytic pathway leading to
sugar formation (Ruffner et al. 1983). The gluconeogenic path-
way from malate may contribute only a small percentage (5%)
of the sugars, and a decrease in malate content could primarily
result from reduced synthesis and increased catabolism through
the citric acid cycle. The inhibition of malate synthesis by the in-
hibition of the glycolytic pathway could result in increased sugar
accumulation. Metabolism of malate in apple fruits is catalysed
by NADP-malic enzyme, which converts malate to pyruvate. In
apples, malate appears to be primarily oxidised through the cit-
ric acid cycle. Organic acids are important components of citrus
fruits. Citric acid is the major form of the acid followed by malic
acid and several less abundant acids such as acetate, pyruvate,
oxalate, glutarate, fumarate and so on. In oranges, the acidity
increases during maturation of the fruit and declines during the
ripening phase. Lemon fruits, by contrast, increase their acid
content through the accumulation of citrate. The citrate levels in
various citrus fruits range from 75% to 88%, and malate levels
range from 2% to 20%. Ascorbate is another major component of
citrus fruits. Ascorbate levels can range from 20 to 60 mg/100 g
juice in various citrus fruits. The orange skin may possess
150–340 mg/100 g fresh weight of ascorbate, which may not
be extracted into the juice.

Anaerobic Respiration

Anaerobic respiration is a common event in the respiration
of ripe fruits and especially becomes significant when fruits
are exposed to low temperature. Often, this may result from
oxygen-depriving conditions induced inside the fruit. Under
anoxia, ATP production through the citric acid cycle and mito-
chondrial electron transport chain is inhibited. Anaerobic res-
piration is a means of regenerating NAD, which can drive
the glycolyic pathway and produce minimal amounts of ATP
(Fig. 27.3). Under anoxia, pyruvate formed through glycolysis
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