Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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590 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals

pilot-scale under controlled formulation and processing
Sadd et al. (2008) studied different alternative mitigation
strategies to reduce acrylamide in bakery products. Whereas
yeast fermentation was an effective way of reducing asparagine
and hence acrylamide, amino acid addition to dough gave mod-
est reduction of this contaminant. Removing ammonium-based
raising agents was also beneficial. Calcium supplementation for
binding asparagine looked promising, but interactions with other
ingredients need further investigation. Lowering the dough pH
reduced acrylamide, but at the expense of higher levels of other
process contaminants.
Alternatively, Anese et al. (2010) have recently evaluated the
possibility to remove acrylamide from previously hydrated com-
mercial biscuits by vacuum treatment. Selection of suitable tem-
perature, time and pressure conditions has proved to be required
to maximise acrylamide removal while minimising its formation
and effect on the sensory properties.
On the other hand, the correlation between mitigation of acry-
lamide and its influence on beneficial properties of food, such as
the antioxidant activity has been scarcely studied. Summa et al.
(2006) reported a strong link between the composition of the
pastries and baking parameters and the genesis of acrylamide as

well as antioxidants. Therefore, suppressing the MR generally
leads not only to acrylamide mitigation but also to losses of
substances considered to be beneficial.


Besides MR, isomerisation of reducing carbohydrates may take
place during processing of cookies, crackers and breakfast cere-
als. Maltulose (Fig. 30.2), an epimerisation product of maltose,
has been found in the crust of bread (Westerlund et al. 1989).
Maltulose formation has also been observed during the heating
of a maltodextrin solution at high temperature (180◦C) (Kroh
et al. 1996). Garc ́ıa-Banos et al. (2000, 2002) detected mal- ̃
tulose in commercial enteral products and proposed the ratio
maltose:maltulose as a heat treatment and storage indicator of
enteral formulas.
In cookies, crackers and breakfast cereals, Rada-Mendoza
et al. (2004) detected maltulose (from traces to 842 mg/100 g)
in all commercial samples analysed. Figure 30.3 shows the gas
chromatographic profile of the trimethylsilyl oxime-derivatives
of mono- and disaccharide fractions of a cookie sample. Sim-
ilar patterns were obtained for crackers and breakfast cereals.
The formation of maltulose depends mainly on initial maltose










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Figure 30.3.Gas chromatographic profile of the trimethylsilyl oxime-derivatives of fructose (1,2), glucose (3,4), sucrose (6), lactulose (8),
lactose (9, 10), maltulose (11, 12) and maltose (13,14) of a cookie sample. Peaks 5 and 7 were the internal standards:myo-inositol and
trehalose, respectively (from Rada-Mendoza et al. 2004).
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