Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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598 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals

The Development of Dough Structure

When wheat flour and water are mixed together in an approx-
imately 3:1 ratio and kneaded, a viscoelastic dough is formed
that can entrap the gas formed during the subsequent fermen-
tation. The amount of water absorbed by the flour is dependent
upon, and therefore must be adjusted to, the integrity of the starch
granules and the amount of protein present. A high proportion of
damaged granules, as found in hard wheat flour, results in greater
water absorption. The unique elastic property of the dough is due
to the nature of the gluten proteins. Hydrated gliadin is sticky
and extensible, whereas glutenin is cohesive and plastic. When
hydrated during the mixing process, the gluten proteins unfold
and bond with each other by forming a complex (gluten) as
kneading proceeds, with an increasing number of cross-linkages
between the protein molecules as they become aligned. Disul-
phide bonds (-S-S-) break and re-form within and between the
protein molecules during mixing.
Gluten does not form spontaneously when flour and water
are mixed; energy must be provided (i.e., in the actual mixing
process) in order for the molecular bonds to break and re-form
as the gluten structure. At this point, the dough stiffens and
becomes smooth and shiny. The gluten is now composed of
protein sheets in which the starch granules are embedded. In
addition, free polar lipids and glycolipids are incorporated in the
complex by hydrophobic and hydrogen bonds. The properties of
the dough are determined by the amount of protein present and
by the relative proportions of the gluten proteins.
Another important part of the dough formation is the incorpo-
ration of air, in particular nitrogen. This forms insoluble bubbles
in the dough that become weak points where carbon dioxide
collects during the subsequent fermentation step. In the Chor-
leywood bread process, the dough is mixed under partial vacuum
so that the incorporated bubbles expand and are then split into
many small ones as mixing continues, thus giving a fine-pored
loaf crumb after baking.

Dough Fermentation

During the fermentation step, several processes happen simulta-
neously, and in order to produce a bread of the required quality
characteristics, each of these processes must be optimized to
that end.
Yeasts have been used to leaven bread for thousands of
years, but only in comparatively recent times have pure cul-
tures of the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiaebeen added to the
bread dough as a leavening agent. The commercial production
of baker’s yeast follows procedures similar to those used in
the production of brewing, wine making, and distilling strains
of this same species. Indeed, the baking industry was orig-
inally supplied with yeast waste from the brewing industry
until about 1860 (Ponte and Tsen 1987). However, commer-
cial production of yeast biomass specifically for the baking
industry developed alongside an increasingly expanding man-
ufacture of bread in commercial bakeries and the development
of the technology that provided the great volumes required by
the industry.

Commercial Production of Baker’s Yeast

S. cerevisiaewas originally produced commercially using grain
mash as a growth substrate, but for economic reasons, it is now
grown on sucrose-rich molasses, a by-product from the sugar
cane or sugar beet refining industry. Nitrogen, phosphorous,
and essential mineral ions such as magnesium are added to
promote growth. The production of the yeast biomass for the
baking industry is multistage and takes about 10–13 hours at
30 ◦C.S. cerevisiaeshows the Crabtree effect, as its metabolism
favors fermentative metabolism at high levels of energy-giving
substrate, thus resulting in a low production of biomass (Walker
1998a). To avoid this, molasses is added incrementally toward
the end of the production of yeast biomass, and the mixture is
vigorously aerated in order to promote respiration and avoid
fermentative metabolism. At the end of the production, the yeast
is allowed to “ripen” by aeration in the absence of nutrients. This
step synchronizes the yeast cells into the stationary growth phase
and also promotes an increase in the storage sugar trehalose in
the cells, thus improving their viability and activity.
When the fermentation is complete, the amount of yeast is
about 3.5–4% w/v. The biomass is separated and concentrated
by centrifugation and filtering. The yeast cream is then pro-
cessed into pressed yeast or is dried. The most usual types of
commercial yeast preparations are (Stear 1990) the following:
 Cream yeastis a near liquid form of baker’s yeast that
must be kept at refrigerated temperatures. It may be added
directly to the bakery product being made.
 Compressed yeastis formed by filtering cream yeast under
pressure to give approximately 30% solids. It has a refriger-
ated shelf life of 3 weeks.
 Active dry yeast(ADY) is produced by extruding com-
pressed yeast through a perforated steel plate. The resulting
thin strands are dried and then broken into short lengths to
give a free-flowing granular product after further drying.
Depending on the subsequent treatment and packaging,
ADY may have a shelf life of over a year. However, ADY
requires rehydration before application in dough, and this
can be a labor-intensive operation in a large bakery. The
product rehydrates best using steam or in water with added
sugar at 40◦C. Rehydration in pure water promotes leaching
of cell contents and a reduction in the activity of the yeast.
 High activity dry yeast(HADY) (instant ADY, IADY) is a
similar product, where improved drying techniques are used
to give a product with smaller particle size that does not
need to be rehydrated before use and can therefore be incor-
porated directly into bread dough without prior treatment.

Desirable Properties of Baker’s Yeast

Yeast plays a critically important role in leavened bread pro-
duction, and over the decades of commercial production, strains
have been selected that give improved performance. Desirable
characteristics include the following:
 High CO 2 production during the dough fermentation due to
high glycolytic rate.
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