Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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32 Starch Synthesis in the Potato Tuber 617

Figure 32.4.Regulation of starch synthesis in potato tubers: ADPGlc-pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) is a key regulatory enzyme of starch
biosynthesis. It is regulated at different levels of control, involving allosteric regulation, regulation by posttranslational redox modification and
transcriptional regulation. Redox regulation of AGPase represents a novel mechanism regulating starch synthesis in response to changes in
sucrose supply (Tiessen et al. 2002). There are at least two separate sugar-sensing pathways leading to posttranslational redox activation of
AGPase, one involving an SNF1-like protein kinase (SnRK1), the other involving hexokinase (HK) (Tiessen et al. 2003).

to account for the measured rates of starch synthesis in barley
endosperm, suggesting that at least some of the ADP-glucose
required for this process is provided by cytosolic production
(Thorbjornsen et al. 1996).
It is interesting to note that the involvement of the various
isoforms of AGPase in starch biosynthesis is strictly species de-
pendent, whereas the various starch-polymerizing activities are
ever present and responsible for the formation of the two differ-
ent macromolecular forms of starch, amylose and amylopectin
(Fig. 32.3). SS catalyze the transfer of the glucosyl moiety from
ADP-glucose to the nonreducing end of anα-1,4-glucan and are
able to extendα-1,4-glucans in both amylose and amylopectin.
There are four different SS isozymes—three soluble and one
that is bound to the starch granule.
Starch branching enzymes (SBE), meanwhile, are responsible
for the formation ofα-1,6 branch points within amylopectin
(Fig. 32.3). The precise mechanism by which this is achieved is
unknown; however, it is thought to involve cleavage of a linear
α-1,4-linked glucose chain and reattachment of the chain to form
anα-1,6 linkage. Two isozymes of starch branching enzyme,
SBEI and SBEII, are present and differ in specificity. The former
preferentially branches unbranched starch (amylose), while the

latter preferentially branches amylopectin. Furthermore, in vitro
studies indicate that SBEII transfers smaller glucan chains than
does SBEI and would therefore be expected to create a more
highly branched starch (Schwall et al. 2000). The fact that the
developmental expression of these isoforms correlates with the
structural properties of starch during pea embryo development is
in keeping with this suggestion (Smith et al. 1997). Apart from
that, isoforms of isoamylase (E.C. might be involved
in debranching starch during its synthesis (Smith et al. 2003).
While the pathways governing starch synthesis are relatively
clear, those associated with starch degradation remain somewhat
controversial (Smith et al. 2003). The degradation of plastidial
starch can proceed via phosphorolytic or hydrolytic cleavage
mechanisms involvingα-1-4-glucan phosphorylases or amy-
lases, respectively. The relative importance of these different
routes of starch degradation has been a matter of debate for
many years. The question is whether they are, in fact, inde-
pendent pathways, since oligosaccharides released by hydrol-
ysis can be further degraded by amylases or, alternatively, by
phosphorylases. In addition to this, the mechanisms responsi-
ble for the initiation of starch grain degradation in the plastid
remain to be resolved, since starch grains have been found to
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