Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

BLBS102-c34 BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 14:7 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come

660 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals

Table 34.3.Classification of Rye Proteins

Physiological classification Osborne classification Technologically important proteins
Nonstorage proteins Albumins Enzymes
Globulins -amylases
Ferulic acid esterases
Serine proteases
Aspartic proteases
Cysteine proteases
Enzyme inhibitors
-amylase inhibitors
Endoxylanase inhibitors
Protease inhibitors
Storage proteins Secalins -secalins
40k -secalins
75k -secalins
HMW secalins

Glutelins -secalins
40k -secalins
75k -secalins
HMW secalins

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HMW, high molecular weight.

Morey and Evans 1983). The higher proportions of lysine make
rye proteins nutritionally superior to wheat proteins (Chen and
Bushuk 1970, Dexter and Dronzek 1975, Jahn-Deesbach and
Schipper 1980, Morey and Evans 1983).
Table 34.3 gives an overview of the classification of the rye
proteins, which are of technological importance and are further
discussed in detail below.

Storage Proteins

Secalins The rye alcohol-soluble prolamins, also called “se-
calins,” form the major storage proteins in rye (Gellrich et al.
2003). They have unusual amino acid compositions with high
glutamine/glutamate and proline contents and low levels of ba-
sic and acidic amino acids (Dexter and Dronzek 1975, Gellrich
et al. 2003, Preston and Woodbury 1975). The secalins are highly
polymorphic and can be classified into three groups on the ba-
sis of their amino acid compositions: S-rich, S-poor, and high
molecular weight (HMW) secalins (Fig. 34.1). Some researchers
also purified secalins of low molecular weight (LMW) (10–16 k)
(Charbonnier et al. 1981; Preston and Woodbury 1975), which is
in the same range as that of wheat low molecular weight gliadin
and barley A hordein.
The S-rich orγ-secalins are the most abundant secalins and
consist of two major groups of polypeptides: 40kγ-secalins
(26% of total secalin fraction) and 75kγ-secalins (45% of total

secalin fraction) (Gellrich et al. 2003, Shewry et al. 1982). The
molecular weights of 40kγ- and 75kγ-secalins are 40 k and
75k, respectively, as determined by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl
sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis), hence their names
(Field et al. 1983, Gellrich et al. 2003, Shewry et al. 1982),
and 33 k and 54 k, respectively, as determined by sedimentation
equilibrium ultracentrifugation (Shewry et al. 1982) or mass
spectrometry (Gellrich et al. 2001, 2003). The two groups differ
in amino acid composition, with 75kγ-secalins having higher
contents of glutamine/glutamate and proline and lower contents
of cysteine than the 40kγ-secalins (Gellrich et al. 2003, Shewry
et al. 1982, Tatham and Shewry 1991).
Theγ-secalins contain two structural domains: anN-terminal
domain rich in glutamine and proline and consisting of repetitive
sequences (Gellrich et al. 2001, 2004a; Kreis et al. 1985; Shewry
et al. 1982), and aC-terminal domain with a nonrepetitive struc-
ture, which has lower glutamine and proline content and is rich
in cysteine (Kreis et al. 1985). TheN-terminal sequences of the
40kγ- and 75kγ-secalins are identical at 16 or 17 of the first
20 positions (Gellrich et al. 2003, 2004a; Shewry et al. 1982).
TheN-terminal repetitive domains probably have a rod-like con-
formation (Shewry and Tatham 1990), whereas theC-terminal
nonrepetitive domains probably have a compact globular confor-
mation (Shewry and Tatham 1990) rich inα-helical structures
(Tatham and Shewry 1991). The 75kγ-secalins have a lower
content ofα-helical structures than the 40kγ-secalins (Tatham
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