Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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682 Part 6: Health/Functional Foods

Table 35.4.Some Enzymatic Activities Which May be Linked to the Functionality of Probiotic Bacteria

Enzyme Function Functionality Species

β-Galactosidase Lactose hydrolysis in food

Improved growth in milk Wide-ranging

Lactose hydrolysis in the GI

Improved lactose hydrolysis in
GI tract for population
suffering of lactose

Yogurt startersStreptococcus
thermophilus L. delbrueckii ssp.

NADH oxidase and
NADH peroxidase

Eliminate H 2 O 2 Improved stability in presence
on oxygen

Lactobacilli and
bifidobacteria—strain variable
ATPases Excretion of protons (H+)
from cells to outer

Reduced intracellular drop in
pH and increased survival to
gastric transit

Many LAB (Streptococcus,
Lactococcus and Lactobacillus
Arginine deiminase

Production of NH 3 and ATP Reduced intracellular drop in
pH and increased survival to
gastric transit


Bile salt hydrolase Deconjugation of bile salts Lowers blood cholesterol level Bifidobacteriumssp. often show
high activity, but many
Lactobacillusssp. cultures are
also active
α-Galactosidase Hydrolysis of stachyose and
raffinose in GI tract

Reduces gas discomforts linked
to consumption of beans

L. plantarum, B. longum

Proteases Hydrolysis of caseins, or soy

Produces ACE inhibitory
peptides, which are

L. helveticus


Conversion of glutamate to

Lowering of blood pressure Lactococcus lactis, L. paracasei

Glucosidases Deconjugates isoflavones or
quercetin from
glycosylated forms

Higher levels of the more
bioactive forms of
antioxidants (cancer, bone
metabolism, etc.)

L. helveticus, L. acidophilus, B.
longum, L. plantarum

GI, gastro-intestinal; ACE, acetyl choline esterase;L., Lactobacillus; B., Bifidobacterium;LAB,lactic acid bacteria; GABA, gamma-amino
butyric acid.

value of other foods as well. For example, isoflavones are en-
countered in soy products. The native forms of the isoflavone
in soy are mainly daidzein, genistin, and glycitein that are the
glycosylated forms. Theseβ-glucosides, are not readily bioavail-
able in humans as they are unable to be absorbed through
the intestinal tract. Hydrolysis ofβ-glucosides by bacterialβ-
glucosidases, produces the active and more readily metabolized
aglycone forms (Setchell et al. 2002). Many lactobacilli and bi-
fidobacteria possess glucosidases. Thus, the data show that soy
fermentation with selected strains contributes to increasing the
levels of bioactive aglycons (Champagne et al. 2010).
In summary, many enzymatic activities of lactic cultures con-
tribute to the synthesis, or simply to the release, of probioactives
in foods (Table 35.4).


Many biochemical processes are critical in the functionality of
probiotic bacteria. From a technological perspective, it can be
foreseen that cells will be adapted to enhance a specific en-

zymatic activity that will promote their growth or their stabil-
ity during storage. Minor acid, osmotic, and thermal stresses
have been proposed for this purpose (De Angelis and Gobbetti
As knowledge of the enzymatic systems involved in health
functionality of probiotics increases, the requirement for viable
cells might gradually be reduced. Thus, the critical element for
the health effect may be limited to the enzymatic components,
for example, the quantity of the probioactive. The use of pure
enzymes might eventually be considered in substitution to pro-
biotics, but only if the enzymes are stable in the matrix and if
they survive passage to the GI conditions. Even if it is enzyme-
linked, functionality might still require that the enzymes be de-
livered through a cell, viable or not, in order to protect them
against inactivation in the adverse conditions, they will be ex-
posed to in the food or the GI tract. Therefore, more research
is needed not only on the biochemical processes involved in the
functionality of probiotic bacteria, but also on factors that will
enable the “delivery” of the biochemical activity at the proper
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