Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

BLBS102-c38 BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 14:17 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come

38 Thermal Processing Principles 729

pathogen that produces the deadly botulism toxin. It has been
generally recognized thatC. botulinumdoes not grow and pro-
duce toxin below a pH of 4.5. Hence, the dividing pH between
the low-acid and acid groups is set at 4.5. There may be other
microorganisms that are more heat-resistant thanC. botulinum.

Thermal Resistance of Food Microorganisms

As indicated in the above sections, the success of thermal pro-
cessing depends on the destruction of all pathogenic and most
spoilage-causing microorganisms in a hermetically sealed con-
tainer and creating an environment inside the package that is
not conducive to the growth of spoilage-type microorganisms
and their spores that resist the thermal process. The microorgan-
isms vary in terms of heat resistance and require different degree
of thermal processing. In order to establish a thermal process,
first, the target heat-resistant microorganisms of concern need
to be identified.C. botulinumis the principle target microorgan-
ism of concern in low-acid canned foods. The second step is
evaluating the thermal resistance of target organism. The ther-
mal resistance data should be well described by an appropriate
and reliable mathematical model. Data on the temperature de-
pendence of the microbial destruction rate are also needed to
integrate the destruction effect through the temperature profile
under processing conditions.

Kinetics of Microbial Death

An understanding of the mechanism and kinetics of thermal
death of food microorganisms would be helpful in the practical
use of heat in processing of foods. Thermal destruction of bacte-
ria is generally accepted to be exponential with time, and process
calculations used in thermal processing are generally based on
this assumption (Stumbo 1973). However, there are also nonex-
ponential thermal death patterns indicated in different literatures
(Stumbo 1973, Toledo 2007). The theory that thermal death of
bacteria follows the first-order kinetics has been well recognized
(Stumbo 1973). A first-order reaction is one in which the rate is
proportional to the number of microorganisms present.

Decimal Reduction Time and Thermal Death Time

When a suspension of microorganisms is heated at constant
temperature, the decrease in number of viable organisms follows
logarithmic order of death. In other words, the logarithm of the
surviving number of microorganisms following a heat treatment
at a particular temperature plotted against heating time will give
a straight-line curve (Fig. 38.1). These curves are commonly
called survivor curves. The microbial destruction rate is defined
as a decimal reduction time orD-value (minutes), which is the
heating time in minutes at a given temperature required to result
in one decimal or log unit reduction in the surviving microbial
population. In other words,D-value represents a heating time
that results in 90% destruction of the microbial population from
the initial number. The rate of microbial destruction with time
at constant temperature expressed as

=−k[N]^1 (17)







0 10 20 30 40


Time at a constant temperature (min)


Log100- log 10= 1

Figure 38.1.Survivor curve that depicts the number of survivor
microorganisms versus time at a constant temperature.

wheredN/dtis the change in microbial population with timet,k
is the reaction rate constant, and 1 is to indicate the order of re-
action (first order). After separation of variables and integration,
the above equation can be written as

lnN=lnN 0 −kt (18)

whereN 0 is initial population of microorganisms.
Dis based on common logarithms, in contrast withk,which
is based on natural logarithms. ButDandkare related as


N 0

=ln( 10 )log

N 0

=−kt (19)

From this


N 0



t (20)

Thus, theDvalue is the negative reciprocal of the slope of a
plot of log (N)againstt, andDandkare related as




; D=


or D=

2. 303


Therefore, theDvalue from survivor curve can be expressed


(t 2 −t 1 )
(logN 0 −logN)


whereN 0 andNrepresent the survivors following heating fort 1
andt 2 (minutes), respectively.
Commonly in thermal processing applications, survivor
curves are plotted on specially designed semi-log papers for easy
handling and interpretation data. The survivor number of mi-
croorganisms is plotted directly on the logarithmicy-axis against
time on the linearx-axis. From this graph, theDvalue can be
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