Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

BLBS102-c38 BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 14:17 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come

38 Thermal Processing Principles 733

Table 38.4.Process Calculation by General Graphical and Numerical Integration Method


(◦F) F=TDT=Fo∗ 10 (Tr−T/z) 1 /TDT 1 /TDT∗t

0 62 7.01E+ 10 1.4E− 11 0
4 71 2.22E+ 10 4.5E− 11 1.8E− 10
8 99 6.17E+ 08 1.6E− 09 6.5E− 09
12 134 7.01E+ 06 1.4E− 07 5.7E− 07
16 171 6.17E+ 04 1.6E− 05 6.5E− 05
20 202 1.17E+ 03 8.5E− 04 3.4E− 03
24 231 2.86E+ 01 3.5E− 02 1.4E− 01
28 241 7.97E+ 00 1.3E− 01 5.0E− 01
32 247 3.70E+ 00 2.7E− 01 1.1E+ 00
36 248 3.25E+ 00 3.1E− 01 1.2E+ 00
40 250 2.52 4.0E− 01 1.6E+ 00
44 250 2.52 4.0E− 01 1.6E+ 00
48 231 2.86E+ 01 3.5E− 02 1.4E− 01
52 181 1.72E+ 04 5.8E− 05 2.3E− 04
56 137 4.78E+ 06 2.1E− 07 8.4E− 07
60 97 7.97E+ 08 1.3E− 09 5.0E− 09

SV=(1/TDT)t= 6.27

a trial-and-error basis until the desired lethality achieved. In
other words, this whole process is repeated until the desired SV
is obtained, and the corresponding processing time is known.
From food safety point of view and commercial processing con-
ditions, the SV should be more than unity to ensure complete
destruction of pathogens and reduction of spoilage microorgan-
isms to the level that do not cause spoilage in postprocessing
However, this graphical method is a tedious and cumbersome
approach and requires a graphical trial-and-error works. Be-
cause of this reason, several approaches have been attempted to
develop a simple approach in order to get similar information
from gathered time–temperature data. One of the methods is the
numerical integration method (Tabular Method) proposed by
Patashnik (1953) (Table 38.4 column 5). In this method, the cor-
responding SV of each temperature is numerically calculated
for each time interval, and the total SV is obtained for equal
(Equation 28) and unequal (Equation 29) interval of time.

Sterilization value=

1 /

t (28)

Sterilization value=

1 /


In Table 38.4, we obtained a SV of 6.14, which can be in-
terpreted that the given heat treatment is 6.14 times more than
what is required to destroy a given target microorganism. This
is definitely an overprocessing and will have an impact on the
quality of the product. Therefore, SV of 6.14 should be reduced
to the value close to unity in order to achieve the desired degree
of lethality of target microorganism.

Improved General Method

Like the original graphical approach, this method also requires
heat penetration data and the conversion of product temperature
to lethal rate. For the development of Improved General method,
the two main contributions of Ball (1928) played a significant
role. The first important point was the construction of a hypothet-
ical reference TDT curve passing through 1 minute at reference
temperature of 121.1◦C (250◦F) having a givenzvalue. In ad-
dition to this, Ball (1928) introduced the term lethal rate (L)for
a given temperature according to the following Equation 30 on
the basis of Equation 27.

F 0

= 10



For commercial sterilization process, the numerator on left
side of Equation 30 indicates TDT at temperatureT,whichis
equivalent to thermal treatment of 1 minute at reference temper-
ature of 121.1◦C (250◦F) (FTzref==^10121. 1 ◦C). Therefore, based upon
this concept, Equation 30 can be written as


= 10



whereFTz=TDTTand after rearranging, we get


=L= 10



The left-hand side term refers lethal rate (L) andLis calcu-
lated as a function of temperature versus time from heat pene-
tration data at a specific temperature. The lethal effects at the
different time–temperature combinations in a thermal process
are integrated so as to account for the total accumulated lethal-
ity, since each temperature is considered to have a sterilizing
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