Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

BLBS102-c38 BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 14:17 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come

38 Thermal Processing Principles 735

Temperature of
Convective heating
of liquid
Conductive heating
of solid particle









Time (min)

Temperature (°C)

20 30

Figure 38.5.Heat penetration curves foods in container in relation
to retort temperature (♦), convective heating (), and conductive
heating ().

Equation 33 derived from the heat penetration curve is used
to estimate the process time,B(minutes).




In order to understand the contents of this equation and de-
termine the process time (B), it is necessary to recognize heat
penetration parameters, retort CUT, other several inputs, and as-
sumptions of Ball (1923) as indicated in the following section.

Heat Penetration Parameters

The following data are normally obtained from the heat pene-
tration data and heating conditions for calculation purposes as

fh—Heating rate index. It is the time required for the straight-
line portion of the heating curve to pass through one log cycle.
It is also the negative reciprocal slope of the heating rate curve.
jh—Heating rate lag factor. This is a factor that, when mul-
tiplied byIh, locates the intersection of the extension of the
straight-line portion of the semi-log heating curve and the ver-
tical line representing the effective beginning of the process
(0.58 CUT).




Iih—Difference between the retort temperature and food tem-
perature at the start of the heating process (Tr−Tih).
Tr—Retort temperature.
Tpih—Pseudo-initial temperature during heating. It is the tem-
perature indicated by the intersection of the extension of the
heating curve (originalTpih) and the vertical line representing
the effective beginning of the process (0.58 CUT) (NewTpih).

Tih—Initial food temperature when heating is started.
CUT—Come-up time. In batch processing operations, the retort
requires some time for reaching the operating condition. The
time from steam on to when the retort reachedTris called the
0.58 CUT—Effective beginning of the process. Implies 58% of
CUT from the start, which do not significantly contributes for
process lethality. Ball recognized that the last 42% of the CUT
only has a significant contribution on sterilization process.
g—Difference between the retort temperature (Tr) and the max-
imum temperature (T) reached by the food at the slowest
heating point (Tr−T).
Tic—Food temperature when cooling is started.
Tcw—Cooling water temperature.
Ic—Difference between the cooling water temperature and food
temperature at the start of the cooling process (Tic−Tw).
gc—The value ofgat the end of heating or beginning of cooling
fc—Cooling rate index. The time required for the straight-line
portion of the cooling curve to pass through one log cycle. It
is also the negative reciprocal slope of the cooling rate curve.
Tpic—Pseudo-initial temperature during cooling. It is the tem-
perature indicated by the intersection of the extension of the
cooling curve and the vertical line representing the start of
jcc—Cooling rate lag factor. This is a factor that, when multiplied
byIc, locates the intersection of the extension of the straight-
line portion of the semi-log cooling curve and the vertical line
representing the start of the cooling process.




Formula methods make use of heat penetration data ob-
tained from a semi-logarithmic plot of the temperature difference
(Tr−T) on log scale against time (on linear abscissa).When the
temperature difference is greater than one, three-cycle log paper
is recommended (Fig. 38.6), and when the difference is below
one, four-cycle log paper is required.
Gathered time–temperature data may be plotted in two differ-
ent ways. In the first case, log (Tr−T) versus time is plotted on
the paper (spread sheet), and the slope is obtained from the lin-
ear portion of the negative reciprocal slope of the graph. The lag
factor is calculated from the intercept of the equation of the line.
In the second case, the semi-log paper is rotated 180◦(Jackson
plot) and the top line of the paper is marked 1◦less than retort
temperature (Tr− 1 ◦C), the next log cycle is marked 10◦less
(Tr− 10 ◦C), and then the third cycle 100◦C less (Tr− 100 ◦C).
Using this interval, the product temperatures are directly num-
bered without conversion on semi-log graphing paper to produce
the linear plot needed to determine heating rate index (fh)and
lag factor (jh) (Fig. 38.7).

The Retort CUT,fhandjhValues

Once heating medium (hot water or steam) is injected into the
retort, the retort is not reached immediately to the specified
operating temperature of 121.1◦C. The time from introduction of
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