Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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39 Minimally Processed Foods 749

there is dipole rotation and ionic polarization resulting in volu-
metric heat generation in the food (Metaxas and Meredith 1993).
The extent of energy absorption by the food sample depends on
its dielectric loss factor. The higher the loss factor, the more
energy can be absorbed in the material. Chemical composition,
including water and salt, and process temperature are among
the factors that determine the materials loss factor. Although RF
and MW heating are forms of dielectric heating, they are distinct
from technological point of view. Both systems are operated at
specific bands, namely frequencies between 0.003 and 300 MHz
for RF and between 300 and 300,000 MHz for microwaves (Ra-
maswamy and Tung 2008). RF systems have longer wavelengths
compared to MW systems. Thus, the penetration depth is typi-
cally smaller for MW heating. In general, the efficiency of power
utilization is far lower in a RF generator than a microwave unit,
although the initial capital cost per KW of power output may
be higher. Selection of RF or MW heating usually depends on
product physical properties and required process conditions for a
particular application. For large products where greater penetra-
tion depth is required and control of uniformity of heating is not
a major issue, RF offers a good solution. However, microwave
systems are preferred where uniformity of drying and moisture
control is essential.
The earlier applications of RF heating in fruit and vegetable
processing was carried out for vegetable dehydration and quality
assessment of juice from orange, peach, and quince (Kinn 1947,
Moyer and Stotz 1947, Demeczky 1974). Nelson and Trabesli
(2009) explained how dielectric properties of fruits affect their
heating characteristics. RF-based treatments have been widely
used in postharvest operations (Ikediala et al. 2000, Wang et al.
2006, 2009a). Wang et al. (2006) proposed the use of radio fre-
quencies at various levels to control insect infestation without
compromising quality aspects. Sosa-Morales et al. (2009) noted
that RF and MW treatments can be highly efficient in reducing
the heating time required for pest control, as compared to con-

ventional thermal treatments. Water-assisted RF heating treat-
ment was used to control the infestation of apples by codling
moth, and it was reported to be an efficient technique, which
also sustained the fruit’s quality (Wang et al. 2005, Wang et al.
2006). Further, RF electric field has been used in deactivating
E. colibacteria in apple and orange juice (Geveke et al. 2007).
Despite the clear advantages of RF heating, the problem of un-
even heating imposes a big hurdle in its wide acceptance. There
is ongoing effort to mitigate some of these problems using com-
puter modeling (Birla et al. 2008). New and advanced RF sys-
tems are being developed to improve heating applications.
MW-based processing systems are more widely used for ei-
ther domestic or commercial food preparations. There has been
considerable advance in the design, power, and cost features of
these systems since their introduction for small scale heating
applications. The reliability of MW-assisted treatment of fruits
and vegetables has been rated high over the conventional heating
methods (Vadivambal and Jayas 2007). MW-assisted drying has
proved to be an excellent technique for processing the raw fruits
and vegetables. The technique was used to study drying behavior
of various fruits like apples, mangoes, and carrots (Wang and Xi
2005, Orsat et al. 2006, Zhang et al. 2006, Vadivambal and Jayas
2007). Various fruits and vegetables have been reviewed to as-
sess the effect of varying microwave conditions on banana slice,
cranberries, and carrots (Drouzas and Schubert 1996, Yong-
sawatddigul and Gunasekaran 1996a, 1996b, Tein et al. 1998).
Also, there has been use of vacuum for assisting microwave dry-
ing to remove the moisture. Chou and Chua (2001) reported that
it was necessary to combine MW drying with vacuum in order to
improve drying performance. Many other authors (Table 39.1)
have combined MW with other heating techniques in order to
reduce process energy and produce high-quality products.
There are some indication of nonthermal and enhanced
thermal effects of microwave processing (Ramaswamy et al.
2002, Datta and Anantheswaran 2004). However, it is generally

Table 39.1.The Use of Microwave Drying on Different Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit or Vegetable Type of Treatment References

Carrots MW & vacuum Regier 2005, Wang and Xi 2005, Orsat et al. 2007
Potato MW & convective, MW & vacuum Bondrauk et al. 2007, Reyes et al. 2007, Markowski et al. 2009,
Song et al. 2009
Strawberry MW & vacuum, MW & convective Bohm et al. 2006, Charangue et al. 2008, Contreras et al. 2008,
Wojdylo et al. 2009
Mushroom MW & vacuum, MW & convective Orsat et al. 2007, Yang et al. 2008, Askari et al. 2009, Giri and
Prasad 2009
Spinach MW, MW & convective Ozkan et al. 2007, Dadali et al. 2008, Karaaslan et al. 2008,
Dadali and Ozbek 2009
Peach MW Wang and Sheng 2006
Orange MW, MW & vacuum, MW & convection Ruiz et al. 2003, De Pilli et al. 2008, Guo et al. 2009
Apple MW, MW & vacuum, MW & convection Han et al. 2009, Huang et al. 2009, Tarko et al. 2009, Witrowa
and Rzaca 2009, Li et al. 2010
Pumpkin MW, MW & vacuum, MW & convection Alibas 2007, Wang et al. 2007a, Nawirska et al. 2009
Banana MW, MW & vacuum, MW & convection Mousa and Farid 2002, Kar et al. 2003, Pereira et al. 2007

Note:The objectives of researches shown may differ.
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