Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

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40 Separation Technology in Food Processing 781

into seeking the development of new and clean technologies
for their products. To solve these problems, some innovative
emerging “green” processes such as supercritical CO 2 fluid
extraction, membrane-based separations, molecular distillation,
and pressurized low-polarity water extraction have provided ex-
cellent alternatives to the conventional organic solvent extrac-
tion methods. Extracts from natural sources are key elements
in the manufacturing of health-promoting functional foods and
ingredients. Especially such “green” separation processes and
technologies are widely employed in the development of bioac-
tive components for use as supplements for health-promoting
Development of new and efficient separation processes will
be based on more effectively exploiting differences in the actual
physicochemical properties of food products. Liquid membrane
extraction is one of the relatively new separation technologies
that has significant potential for the selective separation and
concentration of low-molecular weight chemicals used in food-
processing industry.


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