Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

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42 Food Allergens 805

(MW∼300 kDa) has a hexameric structure with each monomer
comprising an acidic and basic subunit linked by disulfide bonds.
β-conglycinin (MW∼150 kDa) has a trimeric structure with
the three major subunitsα,α′andβhaving MWs of 76, 72
and 53 kDa, respectively (Liu 1997, Krishnan 2000). Various
studies have shown that all glycinin andβ-conglycinin subunits
bind IgE from soya bean-allergic patients although a few studies
have found an absence of binding to some subunits (Pedersen
and Djurtoft 1989, Krishnan et al. 2009, Boye et al. 2010).
The soya bean vacuolar protein (P34; MW of 34 kDa), which
is an oil body-associated protein, is also a major soya allergen.
Over 65% of soya bean-allergic patients reportedly react to it
(Ogawa et al. 1991, 1993). The KTI, which is a 21 kDa belonging
to the plant defence system, is another important allergen. KTI
exerts its effect by inhibiting the activity of proteases such as
trypsin. Although the major allergenic epitopes have not been
identified, reports suggest that it may be a culprit in soya bean-
induced occupational respiratory disorders (Baur et al. 1996)
along with the soya bean hydrophobic lipid transfer proteins
identified in soya bean hulls (Gonzalez et al. 1992, 1995).

Prevalence, Symptoms and Threshold

Prevalence rates of soya allergy range between 0.3% and 0.4%
(Becker et al. 2004, Sicherer and Sampson 2006). The exact
amount of soya proteins required to induce an allergic response
is, however, not known. Reported threshold levels vary signif-
icantly and range between 0.0013 and 500 mg of soya protein
(Bindslev-Jensen et al. 2002, Ballmer-Weber et al. 2007).

Effect of Processing on Soya Allergens

In general, processing treatments such as thermal treatment,
microwaving, irradiation, hydrolysis and fermentation have not
been shown to remove soya bean allergenicity. Some treatments
may cause modifications in proteins structure and hide aller-
genic epitopes reducing but not eliminating their immunogenic-
ity, whereas other treatments cause unfolding of the proteins,
allowing greater exposure of hidden allergenic epitopes and in-
creasing the immunogenic properties of the proteins (Davis and
Williams 1998, Soler-Rivas and Wichers 2001).
Soya bean is processed into products such as soya beverages,
tofu, edamame, miso, natto and tempeh. The beans can also be
processed to obtain soya oil, soya flour, soya lecithin, soya fibre,
soya protein concentrate (>65% protein on dry basis), soya pro-
tein isolate (>90% protein on dry basis), textured soya products
and soya hydrolysates or hydrolysed vegetable protein, which
are used in a wide variety of products. Other novel applications
include soya ice cream and soya yogurt. Allergenicity of soya
foods is linked to the presence of residual soya proteins in these
foods, so unless the soya ingredient used is highly refined (e.g.
refined soya bean oil), it is likely to contain allergenic protein
and must be labelled when used in foods. Studies conducted
on soya lecithin have generally reported little or no allergy risk
to sensitised individuals (Awazuhara et al. 1998); however, hy-
drolysed and fermented soya products tend to retain some of
their allergenic properties (Hefle et al. 2005, L’Hocine and Boye

2007). Appropriate caution therefore needs to be exercised in
the consumption of processed soya foods.

Soya Allergen Cross-Reactivities

Although not confirmed clinically, a high cross-reactivity
has been reported for different legumes (soya bean, peanut,
lentils and beans; Yunginger 1990, Eigenmann et al. 1996,
Kalogeromitros et al. 1996). This may be explained by the
high amino acid sequence homology, which frequently occurs
in plant proteins belonging to the same family. Clinical co-
reactivity rates in peanut-allergic patients for soya using placebo-
controlled challenges range between 1% and 6.5% (Burks et al.
1988). Additionally, coexisting clinical reactivity has been re-
ported between soya bean and cow’s milk for some allergic
patients ranging between 5% and 50% depending on the spe-
cific group of patients studied (Host and Halken 1990, Burks
et al. 1994).


Peanuts and tree nuts contain some of the most potent food
allergens. Prevalence rates of 0.8–1.5% for peanut allergy in
the UK and US population and about 0.6% for tree-nut allergy
in the US population have been reported (Grundy et al. 2002,
Sicherer et al. 2003). Nuts and tree nuts belong to different plant
species; however, they are frequently discussed together as their
presence, handling and use in the food chain as well as the
allergic responses they induce are often similar.
Peanut (Arachis hypogea) is a legume belonging to the fam-
ilyLeguminosae.It grows under the ground in peanut pods
containing the peanut seed. Tree nuts, on the other hand, are
edible seeds that grow on trees. Examples of tree nuts that are
of most concern as allergens are hazelnut (Corylus avellana),
almond (Prunus dulcis), pistachio (Pistachia vera), macadamia
nuts (Macadamia integrifolia), cashew (Anacardium occiden-
tale), walnut (Juglans regia), pine nut (Pinus pinea), pecans
(Carya illinoinensis) and Brazil nut (Bertholetia excelssa).

Prevalence and Threshold

Prevalence rates of peanut and tree nut allergies vary for different
populations but appear to be higher in Western societies such as
in Europe and North America. Reported rates vary from 0.2 to
1.7 for peanut and 0.1 to 1.4 for tree nuts (Sicherer et al. 2003).
Allergic responses following ingestion of peanut and tree nuts
by allergic patients range from oral pruritus, nausea, vomiting,
urticaria, angiodema, bronchospasm, bronchitis, hypotension,
anaphylaxis and death in some instances. The reaction often
occurs within minutes to a few hours after food consumption, and
the severity of the response may be exacerbated by preexisting
asthma (Sampson 2002, Sicherer et al. 2003).
Threshold doses for clinical reactivity reported in the literature
range from 100μg to 10 mg for peanut and 20μg to 7.5 mg for
tree nuts (Hourihane et al. 1997, FDA 2006). Cross-reactivities
between peanut, soya bean as well as other tree nuts have been
reported (de Leon et al. 2003).
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