Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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810 Part 8: Food Safety and Food Allegens

Another area of interest is specific oral tolerance induction
(SOTI). Taking milk as an example, about 15% of children with
milk allergy maintain the susceptibility permanently in their
life. Strict avoidance of cow’s milk and cow’s milk derivatives
remains the gold standard for allergen management for such
CMA patients. For these patients, however, the likelihood of
exposing the offending allergen unintentionally always remains
and thus total avoidance cannot be guaranteed. Similar concerns
exist for patients with persistent peanut and tree nut allergies.
SOTI is a promising approach particularly for patients with per-
sistent food allergy. Staden et al. (2007) reported that SOTI
treatment (using a daily dose of CMP, starting from 0.002 mg
CMP) remarkably increased the threshold dose for allergic reac-
tion in CMA patients. As a result, the patient could be protected
against potentially fatal allergic reactions when small amounts
of the hidden allergen are accidentally ingested. Since this ap-
proach uses the specific offending allergen to induce tolerance,
development of mild to moderate side effects (such as itching
in the mouth, nausea and wheals, etc.) is very common. Close
supervision by an experienced professional is, therefore, neces-
sary for SOTI treatment. Similar promising studies have been
reported for peanut (Blumchen et al. 2008, Clark et al. 2009,
Jones et al. 2009).
For the food industry, food allergen testing has become an
increasingly important tool for the management and control of
allergens during food production and processing. The rest of
the chapter provides a brief summary of some of the methods
currently available for allergen detection.


Table 42.4 provides examples of some of the commonly used
methods for food allergen detection. Food allergens may be
detected either by the presence of the target allergen itself or
by using a marker in the target food. The method of choice
will depend on factors such as food matrix interference, nature
and quantity of the target allergen, the desired level of detection,
specificity and time and resources required for running the assay.
The threshold dose for sensitised individuals to manifest allergic
reactions is quite low and variable among individuals (Bindslev-
Jensen et al. 2002). However, it is commonly agreed that food
allergen detection methods should be sensitive enough to detect
1–100 mg of analyte (allergen) per kg of processed food (Poms
et al. 2004). Increasing numbers of rapid and user-friendly test
kits to detect different food allergens are now commercially
available with sensitivities ranging from 0.05 to 10 mg/kg (Table
Protein-based food allergen detection methods include im-
munoblotting, rocket immunoelectrophoresis, enzyme aller-
gosorbent test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),
protein microarray and biosensors. More recently developed
DNA-based methods are available as supplementary and com-
plementary methods to protein-based methods and are particu-
larly useful in species differentiation and detection of genetically
modified food (Mustorp et al. 2008). This chapter will focus on
ELISA-based detection, lateral-flow assays (LFA) and dipstick

test, proteomic approaches and DNA-based allergen detection

ELISA-Based Detection Methods

Among the growing number of food allergen detection tech-
niques, ELISA has gained prominence and has become an exten-
sively used technique due to its high sensitivity and specificity,
availability of automation and user friendliness. Some ELISAs
are designed to detect specific allergens (e.g. BLG, Ara h1 (a
major peanut allergen) and shrimp tropomyosin), whereas other
ELISAs detect mixtures of proteins from the allergenic source
(e.g. total milk, egg, peanut and almond-soluble proteins; Taylor
et al. 2009). Detection is based on binding of an allergen or a
specific marker protein with an antibody specifically generated
to recognise and bind to these proteins. This binding complex
is visualised by a colourimetric assay when the enzymes, which
are labelled to the allergen specific antibody, interact with the
substrate solution. The concentration of the allergen can be quan-
tified by obtaining optical density (OD) values with a microplate
reader and plotting these values using a standard curve.
There are certain limitations of ELISA-based detection meth-
ods, however (Yeung 2006). ELISAs are based on aqueous sys-
tems and they do not work well in detecting insoluble proteins or
allergens derived from edible oil-producing foods. In addition,
ELISA may not detect oleosins, a family of protein involved in
the formation of oil bodies in peanut and sesame (Pons et al. 2002
and Leduc et al. 2006) and soya lecithin containing more than
50 ppm residual protein (Taylor et al. 2009). ELISAs also fail
to distinguish certain closely related foods. For example, walnut
antisera react with pecan (Niemann et al. 2009) and mustard an-
tisera react to rapeseed (Lee et al. 2008). These may be caused by
the presence of cross-reactive epitopes or proteins between two
foods (Taylor et al. 2009). Regardless of the above-mentioned
limitations, ELISA is still a very powerful tool and remains
the method of choice for food allergen detection. ELISA-based
food allergen detection methods are developed using either the
sandwich ELISA or competitive ELISA format.

Sandwich ELISA

In this assay, as indicated by its self-explanatory name, an al-
lergen of interest is captured between two allergen-specific an-
tibodies. The first allergen-specific antibody is immobilised on
the solid phase to capture the allergen, and the second allergen-
specific antibody is labelled with enzyme to detect the captured
allergen. Allergens need to have enough binding sites, for ex-
ample, large molecules such as proteins, to allow binding of the
two allergen-specific antibodies (Schubert-Ullrich et al. 2009).

Competitive ELISA

This assay is based on the competitive binding of unknown ana-
lyte (allergen) in a sample of interest and a known analyte (aller-
gen) to the allergen-specific antibody. The antigen of interest in
this case is incubated in the presence of the unlabelled antibody.
Antibody/antigen complexes are formed and the solution is then
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