Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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45 Biosensors for Sensitive Detection of Agricultural Contaminants, Pathogens and Food-Borne Toxins 859

by the farmer, and at a minimal cost (Mitchum et al. 1996).
As further examples, grain and nuts may be inspected for the
presence of fungal contamination, while bacterial spoilage may
be indicated by the presence of an uncharacteristically strong
odour, such as in coleslaw and milk. However, these tests are
not sufficient for providing confirmation to the consumer that
the product satisfies regulations with respect to acceptable max-
imum residue limits (MRLs). Furthermore, it is not possible to
provide accurate quantitative or qualitative analysis of individual
contaminants through these methodologies, including those that
cannot be seen by visual inspection (e.g. mycotoxins). Hence,
it is common practice for food samples to be removed and sent
to an external laboratory where comprehensive in situ analysis
may be performed (Giraudi and Baggiani 1994).

Instrumentation-Based Analysis

There is a selection of different methodologies available for
quality determination, and some of the more relevant exam-
ples are discussed in this section. Product firmness can be de-
termined through the implementation of the Magness-Taylor
test, namely a destructive method that assesses the maximum
force required to perforate the product in a specific way (Abbott
2004). This has been applied for the analysis of fruit, including
pears (Gomez et al. 2005). The non-destructive determination ́
of elasticity may also be permitted through the measurement
of acoustic responses, with the signal being interrogated using
fast Fourier transform-based analysis. Shmulevich et al. (2003)
demonstrated the efficacy of this approach for evaluating the
firmness of apples, and monitored product softening over time
in a controlled atmosphere environment. While these methods
are suitable for monitoring the structural properties of the prod-
uct in question, they do not permit rigorous quality evaluation.
More suitable analytical methods include near-infrared (IR)
spectroscopy, implemented by Berardo et al. (2005) for the de-
tection of mycotoxigenic fungi and associated toxic metabolites,
and scanning electron microscopy, applied for the inspection
of ultrastructural changes of the epicuticular layer of oranges

treated with fludioxonil, a pesticide used to control the growth of
twoPenicilliumspecies (Penicillium digitatumandPenicillium
italicum) (Schirra et al. 2005). Furthermore, gas chromatog-
raphy (GS) or mass spectrometry (MS) and high-performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) are accurate and highly sen-
sitive methods for the detection of an array of contaminants,
including pesticide, herbicide and toxins residues. The latter
method may also be used to detect the presence of indicator
molecules that are representative of product freshness, including
flavonoids (MacLean et al. 2006), while liquid chromatography
coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) can accurately mon-
itor product bitterness. This was demonstrated by Dourtoglou
et al. (2006) for the analysis of olives (Olea europaea). In spite
of the efficacy of these analytical platforms, the instrumentation
needed to perform this analysis is expensive and bulky and may
require extensive operator training. In addition, analysis times
may also be extensive, as many contaminants require lengthy
sample pre-treatment prior to assessment.
Here, we focus on the application of biosensor-based plat-
forms that are rapid, sensitive and reliable and are frequently
used for the detection of herbicide and pesticide residues, bacte-
rial and fungal pathogens and toxins (fungal and water-borne).


A biosensor can be defined as an analytical device that incor-
porates a biological element for promoting biorecognition of
an analyte of interest (e.g. herbicide, bacterial cell or toxin).
A schematic representation of a biosensor, illustrating the three
main components of the system, namely a bioligand, a transducer
and a readout device, is shown in Figure 45.1. Biosensor-based
platforms can use a wide selection of different recognition el-
ements, including nucleic acid probes, lectins and antibodies
(Table 45.1). The focus in this chapter will be placed on the
use of antibodies for detection of contaminants that are of inter-
est to the food industry with examples of enzyme- and nucleic
acid-based detection also provided.

Analytical matrix


Sensor surface



Computational data
Transducer analysisanalysis

Figure 45.1.General format of a biosensor. The biorecognition element is in contact with the transducer, which converts the signal to an
output shown on the computer. For illustrative purposes, an antibody-based platform is shown, with non-specific antigens represented by
squares and triangles, respectively.
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