Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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45 Biosensors for Sensitive Detection of Agricultural Contaminants, Pathogens and Food-Borne Toxins 861




Resonance signal (RU)


Time (s)

1 2 3 4

Immobilised Association Dissociation Regeneration

Figure 45.2.Schematic representation of a Biacore sensorgram,
which provides information relating to the biomolecular interaction
between the immobilised antibody and its cognate antigen
(relevant analyte).

(Markey 2000). However, when the light is above a particular
angle of incidence, no light is refracted across the interface and
TIR occurs. Even though the incident light is reflected back
from the interface, an electromagnetic field (called an evanes-
cent wave) penetrates a distance of the order of one wavelength
travelling into the less optically dense medium.
A key advantage of SPR over other optical methods of detec-
tion is that SPR measures the interaction between immobilised
molecules on a surface (e.g. an antigen, or an antibody im-
mobilised onto a sensor chip) and the corresponding ligand in
solution passing over this matrix. This means that the reaction
can be measured in a coloured solution or in a turbid complex
matrix, such as in fruit juice or vegetable preparations. Hence,
there is no requirement for food samples to be pre-treated to
remove contaminating coloured species prior to analysis.
The Biacore system has a lower limit of detection (LOD)
of approximately 10 RU (which is approximately 10 pg/mm^2 ),
which is suitable for the detection of trace amounts of analytes
of interest, such as pesticide or herbicide residues. There are
several platforms available for use. The Biacore Q instrument
has major potential for quality control analysis, whereas the
Biacore 3000 is particularly useful for high sensitivity antibody-
based analyte detection and kinetic analysis. The T100 and the

Table 45.3.The Ideal Characteristics of a Biosensor

  1. The biorecognition element must be highly specific for
    the substrate or antigen.

  2. Re-usable, with multiple readings permitted on a single

  3. High sensitivity.

  4. Cost-effective.

  5. Permit rapid or ‘real-time’ analysis of biomolecular

  6. Use of ‘on-line’ or ‘in-situ’ measurement.

  7. Good signal to noise ratio.

  8. The device should be robust.

  9. The ability to measure samples in a high throughput
    fashion, if required.

  10. Fast turnaround time on analysis.

  11. Ease of use.

more recently developed A100, permit high-throughput analy-
sis of protein–protein and protein–ligand interactions that may
be useful in the judicious selection of antibodies for specific
diagnostic applications.

Sensor Surfaces

When selecting a biosensor-based platform, such as Biacore, for
the evaluation of quality of food produce, several key consid-
erations should be made. The first of these relates to the nature
of the analytical surface that will be used in the assay. One of
the primary reasons why Biacore is commonly selected for food
analysis (aside from the excellent sensitivity and flexibility for
designing a suitable assay) relates to the fact that many different
surface chemistries are available for conjugating molecules onto
the sensor chip surface to perform the assay. Biacore uses sensor
chips, such as those mentioned in Table 45.4, and the choice of
chip chemistry is dependent on a number of different factors,
including the desired application of the assay, the physical and
chemical properties of the binding partners and the nature of the
biomolecular interaction.
The CM5 chip is the most versatile Biacore chip currently
available and is the most frequently used for food analysis. Its
matrix consists of a completely modified carboxy-methylated
dextran covalently attached to a gold surface, and is ideally
suited for the analysis of a variety of different binding events,
ranging from those involving small organic molecules to multi-
domain proteins. Analytes of interest can readily be coupled to
the sensor chip surface through the application of a number of
different cross-linking chemistries (e.g. amine, thiol or aldehyde
coupling), and a stable surface can be produced that permits ac-
curate and repeated analysis on a single surface (Dillon et al.
2005) as non-covalently bound entities can readily be removed
from the surface by a process termed regeneration. Typically,
this is achieved with low concentrations of acid (HCl) or base
(NaOH). As an example, for the detection of a bacterial strain in
a complex sample matrix (e.g. coleslaw), a pathogen-specific
antibody may be immobilised on a CM5 surface by amine
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