Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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886 Index

FAO/WHO, Geneva, 780
FAST (fluorescence of advanced Maillard products and soluble
tryptophan), 588
Fat soluble vitamins, 31–2
Fat, 322, 400, 494–5
Fatty acids, 15–16, 291, 297–8, 312–14, 340, 347, 350–54, 356–8,
447–8, 510–14
Fava beans, 800
F-C assay, 35
Fc–Cooling rate index, 735
FDA, 754
Feedback inhibition, 170
Fenfluramine, 828
Fenhexamid, 51
Fermentable sugars, 599, 606–7
Fermentation quotient, 603
Fermentation, 336–7, 447, 477–8, 607, 666–7, 726, 765
Fermented products, 594, 605, 607–8, 680, 825–6
Fermented sausages, 287, 303, 307–9, 311–12, 331–42
Fermenting microflora, 607
Fertilizers, 51
Ferulic acid, 656, 658, 663
Fiber, 556
Fiber optic biosensor, 847
Ficin, 10
Filamentous fungi, 140–41
Filtration membrane (FM), 698
Filtration, 765, 780
First-order kinetics, 727–9
Fish and shellfish allergens, 806
Fish paste, 256
Fish processing, 198
Fish ripening, 256
Fish salting, 256
Fish sauce, 256, 258, 825
Fish silage, 257, 695
Fish, 365–85, 388–402, 406–19
Fish, deskinning and descaling, 257–8
Fish, postmortem proteolysis, 252–5
Flavans, 568
Flavonoids, 19, 567, 573, 681, 705, 713– 15, 769
Flavoprotein, 803
Flavor, 314, 338, 341, 358, 428, 547, 549–50, 556–7
Flavylium ion, 714
Flow injection analysis, 43
Fluorescence intermediate compounds (FIC), 588
Fluorescence, 588
Fluorescence-based biosensor, 871
Fluoroquinolone, 48, 835, 839
Fluoroquinolone resistance, 836, 840
Fluroimmuno-stained cells, 847
Food allergen detection, 799, 810–11
Food allergenicity, 14–15
Food allergens, 799, 813
Food allergic reactions symptoms, 799
Food allergies, 799–800
Food allergy management, 799, 809
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAOSTAT),
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 570
Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA), 719, 748,
780, 804, 830, 834

Food authentication, 21–2
Food biochemistry, 3–23
Food biochemistry, analytical techniques, 26–36
Food contaminants analysis, 47–51
Food enzymes, sources, 182–4
Food hypersensitivity, 799
Food intolerance, 799–800
Food preservation technologies, 788
Food processing, 725–6, 765
Food quality, enzymatic analysis, 51
Food safety, 788, 794–6
Food spoilage, 751, 788
Food toxins, 48
Foodborne diseases, 52, 751, 787–9, 793, 796, 858
Foodborne fungi, 793, 871
Foodborne parasite infections, 793
Foodborne pathogens, 746, 788–9, 792, 796, 833–4, 841, 845, 847
Foodborne virus infection, 794
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 847–8
Fractional distillation, 780
Fractionation, 765
FRAP, ferric reducing antioxidant power, 695
Free radicals, 33, 46–7
Free radicals scavenging, 582, 690
Freezing, 726
Freshness, 247
Fructan, 655
Fructose, 43, 573, 599, 677, 712
Fructose-1,6-biosphohatase, 615
Fructose-6-phosphate (Fru6P), 615
Fructosidases, 192
Fructosyl transferase, 186–7
Fruit juice, 559–67
Fruit ripening, 14, 536–47
Fruits, 533–51, 554–68
Fruits, on-farm contamination, 789
Fucoxanthin, 708–9
Fucoxanthinol, 708
Fumonisin B 1 , 871
Fungal spores, 871
Fungi, 697, 793
Fungicide, 574, 868
Furanocoumarins, 715
Furfural, 71
Furosine, 584, 587–9
Fusarium moniliforme, 871
Fusarium, 794

Galactose, 5
α-galactosidase (α-gal), 4, 675, 677, 682
β-galactosidase (β-gal), 237–9, 676, 680, 682
Galactosidase, 191, 445–7, 479
Gallic acid, 717
Gamma rays, 753
Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), 586–7, 681–2, 713
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, 35–6
Gastrin/cholecystokinin (CKK), 686
Gastroenteritis, 838
Gastrointestinal infections, 793
GC, 29–30, 32
Gel filtration, 30
Gel immunodiffusion, 844
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