T^ Psychoactive Substances: A Profi le SummaryABLE 4 – 1 Therapeutic Symptoms of OverdoseUsesSymptoms of UseClass of Drugs
Trade NamesCommon Names
CNS DepressantsAntidote for AlcoholNausea, vomiting; Relaxation, loss of inhibitions, lack shallow respirations; methanol cold, clammy skin; consumption; of concentration, ingredient in drowsiness, slurred weak, rapid pulse; many phar-speech, sleepcoma; possible deathmacological concentrates
Booze, alcohol, liquor, Ethyl alcohol, beer, gin, rum, vodka, drinks, cocktails, bourbon, whiskey, highballs, nightcaps, liqueurs, wine, moonshine, white brandy, sherry, lightning, fi rewaterchampagne
Other Relief from Anxiety, fever, agita-Same as alcoholanxiety and (barbiturates and tion, hallucinations, nonbarbiturates)insomnia; as disorientation, tremors, delirium, anticonvulsants and anestheticsconvulsions, possible death
Red birds, yellow birds, Seconal, Nembutal, blue birds AmytalBlues/yellowsVa l iu mLibriumGreen and whitesNoctecMickiesMiltown DownersRohypnolRophies, forget-me pill, R2
CNS StimulantsCardiac arrhythmias, Management of Amphetamines Hyperactivity, headache, convul-and related drugsnarcolepsy, hy-agitation, euphoria, perkinesia, and insomnia, loss of sions, hypertension, weight controlappetiterapid heart rate, coma, possible death
Uppers, pep pills, Dexedrine, Didrex, wakeups, bennies, Te n u a t e , B o n t r i l , eye-openers, speed, Ritalin, Focalin, Meridia, Provigil,black beauties, Methylenedioxymet-sweet A’s ecstasy, amphetamine Adam, (MDMA)XTCContinued
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