Dysthymic disorder is a mood disturbance with character-istics similar to, if somewhat milder than, those ascribed to Depressive Disorder Due to General Medical symptoms.major depressive disorder. There is no evidence of psychotic This disorder is characterized by a prominent and persistent de- 6. ConditionDysthymic Disorder8.^ 7. pressed mood that is judged to be the direct result of the physi-^126 With Postpartum Onset: the past 2 years.regularly worse in the morning. There is a history of major ence of depressive s y mptoms du r i ng t he fa l l or w i nter mont hs. This diagnosis is made when the number of seasonal depres-depressive episodes that have responded well to somatic anti-depressive episodes that have occurred over the individual’s lifetime (APA, 2000). This disorder has previously been iden-tifidepressant therapy.of depressed mood has been evident continuously for at least Chronic: With Seasonal Pattern: toms of major depression occur within 4 weeks postpartum.sive episodes substantially outnumbers the non–seasonal^ ed in the literature as seasonal affective disorder (SAD).●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONThis classifi cation applies when the current episode This diagnosis indicates the pres-This specifi er is used when s y mp-
1. ological effects of a general medical condition (APA, 2000).(e.g., use or abuse of a drug or a medication, or toxin exposure).● Substance-Induced Depressed Mood Disorder The depressed mood associated with this disorder is considered to be the direct result of the physiological effects of a substance a. c. PREDISPOSING FACTORS TO DEPRESSION b. Physiologicalport the involvement of heredity in depressive illness. The disorder is 1.5 to 3 times more common among ficortisol and decreased levels of thyroid-stimulating Genetic:general population (APA, 2000).NeuroendocrineBiochemical:cient in individuals with depressive illness.genic amines norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. The levels of these chemicals have been found to be defirelatives of individuals with the disorder than among the Numerous studies have been conducted that sup- A biochemical theory implicates the bio Disturbances: Elevated levels of serum rst-degree -
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